School, 6 Regions postpone. Mascherine, scientists: “Banks don’t need it”


Now that everything is more or less ready, and that even in transport, the regions and the government have reached an agreement, the party is burning in the hands of the Minister of Education. Lucia azzolina. “It had never happened, but we will,” writes the head of the department of viale Trastevere in a letter sent to the directors, teachers and all the school staff who in a few days will face new rules, often different from one region to another. , and with the usual chaos.
The evening meeting of the Conference of Regions and Unified States delivers the last part of the guidelines for the reset: the rules for traveling on trains and buses. The governors who manage to raise the capacity of the buses to 80% and obtain resources (200 million euros) to implement the races in order to cover the remaining 20%. Fully loaded school bus for trips of less than fifteen minutes. Space of one meter, and therefore reduced seats, in the rest of the buses and in the regional trains, waiting for the plexigas to arrive to separate students and passengers. Then I desks Cars that are being delivered, although yesterday there was no certainty about the schedules, there is no obligation to wear masks in the classroom if there is a meter of distance. On the other hand, they are mandatory when leaving and traveling within the school. The classrooms are constantly ventilated, with 37 and a half years of fever you stay home, but the measure depends on the families.

School, Lucía Azzolina to the teachers: “We will give certainty to the students”

At the meeting, convened by the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia, the Minister of Infrastructure Paola De Micheli was present, in connection with the Ministers of Health Roberto Speranza and of Education Lucia Azzolina and the Presidents of the Bonaccini and Toti region as well as the representatives of the ANCI, restart a sector that, as the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella underlined, represents a “decisive resource” for the country.
At the end of the meeting, everyone agreed, also because it could no longer be postponed, even though not all regions intend to open schools on September 14. The province of Bolzano is the first to start, where students will return to school on September 7. All the others follow on the 14th with the exception of Friuli, where they will return on September 16, Sardinia on the 22nd, while Puglia, Calabria and Abruzzo, and probably also Campania, will go to September 24 to avoid the referendum and regional elections of the twenty.

School, principals: self-certification to enter the classroom. Sweep test? There is no money

A ballet of dates which does not make the government challenge any less simple. Reopening the schools, after a six-month hiatus and a school year – the last one – to forget, represents an important test for the executive who joins the elections at the end of the month. “A complex challenge”, define the Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa, and the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte recognizes the importance of the appointment when it says that “the reopening of schools is our priority”.

School: 80% of buses full, but at least four regions want to postpone opening

Conte thanked Minister Speranza while leaving the Ministry of Education the task of restarting a machine that, to the usual problems, adds one potentially capable of blowing up the entire public education system if it is new and new. although partial closures. The Health Minister himself mentions it when he warns schools that they should always have a plan B made up of “online lessons”, especially “for fragile students” and “vulnerable educators.” It is difficult to quantify how many teachers and professors will present a medical certificate on September 14, even if a former Minister of Education, the blue Maria Stella Gelmini, speaks of an estimate of 260,000 substitutes that will be hired in the coming weeks. While waiting for the usual waltz from teachers, even peer schools breathe a sigh of relief when the Ministry of Economy announces that peer schools will be able to request “cash advances” “in case of emergency.”

Last updated: 06:34

