This was stated by Michele Emiliano, the governor renamed by the center-left to the presidency of the Puglia region in Foggia for the presentation of the “Puglia Solidale e Verde” list. “If the Apulians want to cede Puglia to Savini, let them do it – Emiliano continued – I think it’s a very serious mistake because every time you let others handle your things, they screw you up.”
When a journalist asked him if it is true that the center-left runs to these lessons much less compact than the center-right, Emiliano replied: “We love each other in the center-left, I don’t know if they love each other so well in the center-right. “. On the unknown agreement with the Movimento 5 Stelle, Emiliano responds: “The 5 stars need to metabolize the fact that, thanks to the separate vote, Apulia can be saved by voting for Michele Emiliano. In this way, the continuation of the good governance of these years, but it opens up to the new project that may also include the M5S. “
“It seems to me that his desperation is evident, I have nothing to fight with Emiliano. I have to take note of the disaster he has caused and I have to talk to the Apulianos about what we have in mind for the future: to change this region.” it will have, it should clash with itself compared to what it has done in recent years. This is how Raffaele Fitto MEP, a center-right candidate for the presidency of the Puglia Region, responded to the statements made in the morning by his competitor. Reiterating that he considers his campaign “strange, confusing and full of contradictions. Emiliano and Lopalco in a month told us everything and the opposite”.
“This was, a month ago – he added – the Covid-free region so much that Emiliano invited all tourists to come to Puglia. Today he appears on television and tells us that there are dramatic data without putting two elements together: the number of swabs that they were carried out months ago and those that are carried out today. These elements demonstrate the inadequacy of Emiliano and Lopalco to handle this issue. We would need a scientifically competent third party disconnected from the electoral campaign. “