Back to class, as planned for wearing the mask in high school


No mask at school if the distance of one meter is respected. This is what the Scientific Technical Committee reiterated in a document published at the end of today’s meeting on the reopening of schools in safety.

In high school, even considering transmissibility similar to that of adults, the mask can be removed in a static condition with respect to a distance of at least one meter, the absence of situations that foresee the possibility of aerosolization (eg singing) and in an epidemiological situation of low viral circulation defined by the health authority.

It is emphasized that the use of masks is only one of the prevention measures that must be implemented in the school environment in a correct association with all the other measures already recommended to limit the circulation of the virus (for example, personal and environmental hygiene, exchange of air, ordinary sanitation).

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Back in class, the Scientific Technical Committee has decided: no mask on the desk if there is distance

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