School, Post-Covid EU Coalition: 4 Key Measures to Reduce Risk


Hygiene, distancing, ad hoc protocols for children and teachers at risk – Four key measures agreed during the summit to reduce risk in school environments: from basic hygiene rules to distancing, through specific policies for children at risk with learning needs or special health conditions, as well as for teachers with worse health, making them vulnerable to more serious infections. Distance education is promoted in particular situations.

The signed document – In addition to Minister Speranza, the measures were signed by the regional director for Europe of the World Health Organization, Hans Kluge, in a joint statement. “It is realistic – read the document – prepare and plan the availability of online learning to integrate school learning.” Distance learning is necessary in the event of temporary closures, or during episodic quarantine, or as an integration for school learning in circumstances where children alternate attendance to respect physical distancing needs in smaller classrooms.

Chrysants: “Masks and temperature threshold of 37.1 are required” – The microbiologist of the University of Padua Andrea Crisanti, “father” of the strategy of massive tampons, emphasizes that “the temperature of children should be taken at school and not at home, and should be lowered to 37.1. Older, for the most small ones it is known that it is not possible ”.
