
The first major post-block test is called school. Between individual desks starting to arrive, disinfection and masks, institutes across Italy are preparing to open their doors for the first time in six months, ready, some more, some less, to host struggling students with courses in Recovery. . A “priority” for the government, as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte himself underlined, and a “decisive resource” for Italy, as confirmed by the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella. But not all courses, at least at this stage, will be present. Some schools will, in fact, teach remedial lessons at a distance, as happened during the closure. The critical transportation node has yet to be resolved, with governors eagerly awaiting the green light to increase vehicle capacity by up to 80%. The real litmus test, however, is scheduled for September 14, when the first official bell will ring for everyone. schools. Almost. The Regions, in fact, proceed in no particular order, with Campania, Abruzzo and Basilicata aimed at postponing the start date of the lessons (as already decided by Friuli, Sardinia, Puglia and Calabria), also to facilitate scheduled electoral operations. for the weekend. September 21.
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From a distance and safely, therefore, tomorrow hundreds of thousands of students will return to the classroom, and with them teachers and Ata staff. In the classroom you will be left without a mask, except in cases where physical distancing cannot be respected. For this reason, many schools have organized school activities also in other structures, sometimes even in theaters or parishes that have made their premises available. Some lessons, such as physical education, will be held at a distance or, ultimately (as happened in a Perugia high school) at a distance. During the entry and exit of school, which will be clearly indicated as in public places, the use of a mask will be mandatory, since it will be mandatory in common areas. Obviously with a fever over 37.5 °, or with symptoms of covid, you will stay at home and proceed to activate all the measures to check the presence of the virus and perform a swab. Temperature should be measured at home and not at school. “We have a great historical responsibility”, says the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, admitting that “it will be a tough year” but stressing that the government has “European ideas, courage and resources.” In a letter she urges teachers: “It has never happened before. I know there is concern, it is understandable.
The guarantee of the great work done will support us. No one in Europe has tried so hard in the summer months to prepare for school to this new season ». And precisely Europe, which with the WHO has given birth to a coalition for the planning of common anti-covid strategies (in which Italy also participates), does not exclude the possible return to distance education in particular situations, such as temporary closures. or episodic quarantine. “It is realistic – says a joint statement, also signed by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza – to prepare and plan the availability of online learning to integrate school learning in the next school year.” Political controversy is inevitable. The governors demand clarity on public transport, the central node for the resumption of school activities. The leader of Italia Viva, Matteo renzi, asks “serological tests for everyone, including students”, while the secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini, asks the government to seek “funds to measure the temperature in the school.” It also has the issue of funds discussed by private schools, although the Ministry of Economy specifies that the institutes have the possibility of requesting advances “in case of urgency.” Ultimately, tomorrow – amidst unknowns and uncertainties – will be the dawn of a new day, the beginning – perhaps – of a new school from which the sword of Damocles hangs from a virus that still scares the whole world.
Last update: 21:00