New cracks for the drive center right In view of referendum on cutting parliamentarians. Salvini, Meloni and Berlusconi present themselves with different positions regarding the question of the referendum to be held on next September 20 and 21despite the fact that all three parties have voted in favor in Parliament.
Referendum: Giorgia Meloni in favor of cutting parliamentarians
Giorgia Meloni me Brothers from Italy they drive along with him 5 star movement the cover of Yes for the court of parliamentarians. In the event of a vote in favor of the citizens, this unprecedented alliance would therefore be the most legitimate to celebrate the result.
As on other occasions, the Roman deputy managed to keep the movement she heads compact, allowing a FdI to maintain a constant position throughout the process.
In fact, after having expressed their assent in both the House and the Senate during the four scheduled readings, no party representative signed to request a confirmatory popular vote or expressed any type of disagreement.
Facing the triumph of Yes, on the afternoon of September 21, Giorgia Meloni will be able to boast of having been among the main figures on the political scene by having pursued the snip of the armchairs, seen from an anti-Caste perspective.
Berlusconi for the No?
In an interview with The nation of the last days, Silvio Berlusconi seems to have placed Forza Italia in the committees of No. His concerns are that “done as the grillini want, the court of parliamentarians runs the risk of being just an act of demagogy that limits representation, reduces freedom and our democracy”.
Furthermore, the same party appears divided, with the leader of the group in the Chamber Mariastella Gelmini who has expressed herself in the Yes, while her counterpart in the Senate Anna Maria Bernini has defined herself against.
According to some rumors, Berlusconi is therefore waiting for the results of some polls commissioned to make a final decision on his place in the electoral consultation.
Salvini: “Freedom of conscience to the voters of the League”
Contrary to usual, Matteo salvini seems to have taken a more timid stance on the matter. His official position is Yes, having promoted and voted on the law already during the yellow-green government. However, the leader of the League left the freedom of conscience to the voters and parliamentarians of the Northern League.
An example is represented by Claudio Borghi, deputy and economic director of the party, who recently declared that: “Reducing the number of parliamentarians harms the representation of citizens and favors strong powers. It would be the dream of the technocracy”.
According to some background, Salvini wouldn’t mind seeing the former pentastelate allies defeated in one of their historic battles. Therefore, this approach would ensure you celebrate both results.