So you go back to school, between doubts and certainties – Specials


In the midst of doubts, perplexities and certain certainty, as of tomorrow the schools are preparing to reopen, although in reduced lines (an estimated one million students), for the start of remedial courses. The Ministry of Education tried to answer the questions of parents and students, in a kind of guide on how to face the return after the confinement.

MASK YES, MASK NO – Not distance lessons, but face-to-face and without a mask, unless it is possible to guarantee the physical distance between students. However, a new decision of the Scientific Technical Committee is expected for the first days of September, when a decision will also be made on the use of PPE in clichés. The admission of children to school can be staggered, a decision that will be made independently from one institution to another. Each school will provide masks to all staff and students daily.

WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF A FEVER GREATER THAN 37.5 ° – Students must measure their own body temperature at home. If it exceeds 37.5 ° they are obliged to stay in their own home. Parents also inform the pediatrician or treating physician that, in case of suspicion of Covid-19, they promptly request the diagnostic test and communicate it to the Prevention Department for the execution of tests. The CTS did not consider it appropriate to measure body temperature at the entrance of the schools, neither for the students nor for the staff.

WHAT HAPPENS IN CASE OF RESULTS OR POSITIVITY – In the event that a student manifests symptoms of the coronavirus, the school must alert the contact person for Covid-19 who immediately warns the parents. The student must be equipped with a surgical mask (if he is over six years old) and housed in a dedicated room where it will be necessary to proceed with the possible detection of body temperature through the use of thermometers that do not require contact. The minor should not be left alone but in the company of an adult who preferably should not present risk factors and who should maintain, as far as possible, a physical distance of at least one meter and wear the surgical mask until the pupil is entrusted to a father. Parents should contact their pediatrician or primary care physician for a clinical evaluation (telephone triage) of the case. In the event of a positive result, the ASL Prevention Department notifies the case and the school initiates the search for contacts and extraordinary actions to clean up the school structure in its interested party.

RETURN AFTER HEALING – For the return it will be necessary to wait for the student’s clinical recovery (that is, the total absence of symptoms). Confirmation of successful healing requires that two swabs be performed 24 hours apart. Close contacts identified by the Prevention Department with contact tracing activities will be quarantined for 14 days from the date of the last contact with the confirmed case. The same procedures also with respect to school workers.

QUARANTINE FOR OTHERS – If a student or worker tests positive for Covid-19, the Prevention Department will evaluate the possibility of prescribing quarantine to all students of the same class and to any school personnel.

POSSIBLE CLOSURE OF SCHOOLS – The closure of a school or part of it must be evaluated by the ASL Prevention Department.
