Swab for coronavirus it is a practice that has unfortunately entered the daily lives of many. In addition to suspected casesEven those who come into contact with a positive patient must undergo the test: but how to obtain the result and from whom to ask for the report?
The moment of the result of the buffer are generally 24/48 hours but the wait may vary according to the competent ASL and also to know the result the modalities may be different depending on the situation.
Know the result of your tampon generates a lot of anxiety and confusion; this is what you need to know how to get the report me when necessary.
Coronavirus buffer: where to see the result?
Once the swab is done, the immediate action is to ask yourself where to see the result of the nasopharyngeal examination.
Many changes depending on where the swab is done: For those hospital, after a hospitalization or a day hospital, the answer comes directly by your doctor or by phone if the patient has already been discharged (as in the case of a day hospital for treatments or operations to be performed during the day).
I know if you go to a drive in and you clean your car, the answer can be given online– Competent ASLs provide an access key to the dedicated page where, within the indicated period of time, the test result and any downloadable PDF report.
For those who require a swab at home, performed in front of the front door, the situation is a bit more complicated: this operation is usually carried out as quickly as possible to limit contact. However, this excludes the possibility of having the answers online and we generally rely on the competent ASL to submit theswab result by email or communicate it by phone.

What to do if the swab result does not come
Unfortunately, the number of reports and patients is increasing and it is easy for the result to arrive much later than expected: the mail does not arrive? Try to call the next day or in any case after 24 hours. HE numbers to contact The answers to your test result are from the ASL SISP in your area. The result can be communicated by telephone by health professionals and later sent as an attachment to your email (if it arrives late, do not hesitate to request it again).
In summary, who to ask for the result of his hyssop and where to see it
- Online, on dedicated platforms with tax code and password;
- Alabama telephone, in the corresponding SISP;
- Alabama doctor in case of hospital admissions and day hospital.