There are 21 cases of Covid in Ravenna. In Region 109 positive with 9,200 swabs


THE REGIONAL SITUATION, TODAY AUGUST 30, 2020 In Emilia romagna signed up today August 30 109 cases of positivity (There were 149 yesterday, of these 109 cases 56 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities). 31,805 cases in total since the start of the pandemic. HE swabs performed on the last day exceeded 9,200, with an average of positive swabs slightly higher than 1 in 100 (yesterday it was 1.47). The mean age of new positives from today he is 37 years old.

its 56 new asymptomatic13 were identified through screening and tests introduced by the Region, 37 thanks to contact tracing, while 3 cases arose from tests prior to hospitalization and of 3 the origin is still unknown. Regarding the situation in the area, the Province presenting the highest number of cases are Those of Ravenna (21), Parma (20) and Bologna (18).

In detail, in Ravenna and its province, of 21 cases, 2 refer to a person who returned from Sardinia and one from Senegal, 3 with symptoms and the rest refer to the follow-up activity of already verified cases..

In the of Parma, of 20 new cases, 3 are derived from family outbreak search activities, 5 from cases reported by general practitioners; 6 returns from Sardinia, 3 from abroad (Romania, Albania, Ukraine), 1 from prehospital swab in the emergency room and 1 from swab for admission to Cra, 1, finally, from serological screening in defined categories.

In the province of Bolognaof 18 new cases, 2 people from the same family unit, one returning from Sardinia, were transferred to the Local Health Authority of Modena for its territorial jurisdiction; 10, of which 3 already contacts of known cases, are attributable to family outbreaks, 4 returned from Sardinia, 1 from abroad (Croatia) and 1 sporadic case, linked to an asymptomatic person, who performed the swab as part of the controls by job category to which they belong.

ACTIVE CASES – Active cases, that is, the number of real patients, continue to grow and today are 2,868 (99 more than those registered yesterday).

PEOPLE IN ISOLATION – People isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or do not have symptoms, are generally 2,758 (+ 97 compared to yesterday).

INTENSIVE THERAPYIntensive care patients number 11 (+1) and 99 (+1) those admitted in other Covid rooms.

Cure– Healed people in general are 24,478 (+ 10).

DEATH– Today there are no dead.

CASES IN THE REGION BY PROVINCIAL – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:

  • 6,161 a Bologna and Imola (+21, of which 13 symptomatic)
  • 5,374 a Reggio emilia (+8, of which 5 symptomatic)
  • 4,803 to Piacenza (+6, of which 2 symptomatic)
  • 4,387 to Modena (+9, of which 3 symptomatic)
  • 3,942 a Parma (+20, of which 11 symptomatic)
  • 2,426 a Rimini (+7, of which 5 symptomatic)
  • 1,418 a Ravenna (+21, of which 6 symptomatic)
  • 1,222 a Ferrara (+4, of which 2 symptomatic)
  • 1,120 a Forlì (+4, of which 1 symptomatic)
  • 954 to Cesena (+9, of which 5 symptomatic).

Information from the Ravenna authorities today, August 30

Today 21 new positives have been registered for the provincial territory of Ravenna: there are 16 male and 5 female patients; 15 asymptomatic while 6 had symptoms, all in home isolation.
Fifteen new positives refer to the tracing of contacts with already established cases, 2 of them in patients who had had contacts outside the province; 3 new symptoms after positivity; 2 new positivity after returning from Sardinia; 1 new positivity after the return from Senegal.
There are no deaths while there is 1 full recovery.
The total number of cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in Ravenna, updated today, is therefore 1,418, whose distribution by municipality is as follows.
66 residents outside the province of Ravenna
627 Ravenna
205 Faenza
115 Cervia
95 Lugo
65 Russians
35 Alfonsine
53 Bagnacavallo
31 Castelbolognese
10 Conselice
17 Massa Lombarda
7 Sant’Agata sul Santerno
19 Cotignola
10 Riolo Terme
25 Fusignano
16 Solarolo
19 Brisighella
2 Casola Valsenio
1 Bagnara
