
The minister Luciana Lamorgese decided to send three more quarantine ships to support the two already present to try to alleviate the problem ofclandestine immigration. The first will arrive in Lampedusa tonight, the other two on Wednesday: in addition, to reduce the overcrowding of the hotspot, which is constantly tested with more than a thousand migrants of a capacity of two hundred, some 300 people have been transferred to other places.
A solution that a Giorgia Meloni it does not seem sufficient, also because it does not solve in any way the general problem, which has also become health and social: “Instead of blocking clandestine immigration, the government continues to launch quarantine boats for migrants at the expense of Italians. How many other boats will they have to rent before they realize how much it costs? It is crazy to face the management of migratory flows? No more landings – said the IDF leader – no more deaths at sea ”. Meanwhile, a summit between the prime minister is scheduled for Wednesday Giuseppe Conte, Governor Nello Musumeci and the Mayor of Lampedusa Totò Martello: the latter two interrupted the general strike on the island while waiting for an interview that could unblock a dangerous and now unbearable situation.