The order of service is not always legitimate and should not always be respected – School News


Too often in schools there are verbal and unclear orders of service; Let’s explore this topic on service orders.

The service order must be written and signed

Service orders, especially if they have doubts about their legitimacy, must be requested in writing and signed by the Director. In this regard, keep in mind that Article 9, paragraph 2, of Presidential Decree 62 of April 16, 2013 establishes The traceability of the decision-making processes adopted by the employees must be, in any case, guaranteed by means of adequate documentary support, which Cfeel replicability at any time.

When, for example, a support teacher is ordered to make the substitution in another class despite the presence of the disabled student, it is an illegitimate provision that should not be done verbally, but should be put in a written format with protocol number and firm. from the director of the Institute.

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Act of complaint if the service order is of doubtful legality

If the teacher is convinced of the illegitimacy of the school principal’s circular, he could write and record it immediately. an act of reporting for your own protection.
File a complaint and then in any case execute the order of service, to avoid the disciplinary sanctions ordered by the director against the teacher, it’s a great way to give up your responsibilities.
In essence, it is about protecting yourself from the consequences that could arise from the execution of an illegitimate service order.
For example, in the case of a service order, in which a substitution is requested by combining two or more classes, perhaps without even respecting the anti-Covid distancing, the teacher could do an act of denunciation in accordance with art. 17 DPR n. January 3, 1957.

Beware of illegitimate signatures of DS contributors

The collaborators of the school directors can be delegated in certain tasks and these delegations must be public and aware of all the teachers of the school. There are some tasks of the Director that cannot be delegated, so it is impossible to consider legitimate the signature of the Assistant Director. For example, the Institute’s negotiation cannot be carried out by a DS collaborator with delegation, payments and union information cannot be delegated.

Service orders made to teachers cannot be delegated except in cases of absolute exceptionality. Therefore, it is always good to pay attention to the form of certain service orders, as well as the merit of the request.
