(ANSAmed) – BELGRADE, AUGUST 31 – In Montenegro, President Milo Djukanovic’s Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), in power for almost 30 years, narrowly won yesterday’s parliamentary elections, but could lose a majority in parliament if the three main opposition forces were to join forces. According to the official results released this morning by the electoral commission after the scrutiny of 98.5% of the ballots, the DPS obtained 35.12% of the votes (30 seats), compared to 32.52% (27 seats) of For the future of Montenegro, the main opposition cartel that also includes pro-grass inspired forces. Two other opposition formations, Peace is our nation and Black on white, obtained 12.55% (10) and 5.57% (4) respectively. The lowest percentages were for the Social Democrats (4.09%), the Bosnian Party (3.81%), and Albanian and Croat minority groups. The three main opposition forces, if allied, could have 41 MPs, a majority albeit a small majority in the 81-seat Montenegrin parliament. Djukanovic himself, speaking the night after the vote, admitted the possibility that his DPS party could lose the parliamentary majority, paving the way for institutional coexistence between the presidency and the government of different orientations. (ANSAmed) (ANSA).