all health care reorganized. To mass vaccines


ANCONA – Covid 19 will no longer find Marche unprepared. But even in the case of another health emergency like the one we are experiencing, the Region has developed a new pandemic plan ready to take action to try to minimize the devastating effects of a viral epidemic: a plan that takes into account the effects caused For both of us. more recent pandemics, Sars-CoV-2 and the one caused in 2009 by the virus better known as “swine fever”.

And precisely on the basis of the clinical and epidemiological characteristics studied, there are six guidelines on which Marche will move accordingly for the safety of citizens: mass vaccination, use of antiviral drugs, treatment and isolation of the sick (hospital or home) , quarantine of contacts, increasing social distances and the adoption of personal (non-pharmacological) public health precautions. In parallel, the reorganization plan for inpatient and outpatient activities in public and private hospitals was reviewed and corrected. Specific routes are provided in the Marche Nord, Torrette and Fermo hospitals where complete patient care will be guaranteed: beds, in isolation, intensive care, semi-intensive therapy and infectious diseases, which will be numerically modulated based on expansion. epidemiological. The dedicated birth point will be managed by the Pesaro hospital.

In the event of a further worsening of the pandemic in the region, the dedicated paths (positive, negative, access and 18 suspect / doubt) will be reorganized in the hospitals of Senigallia and Jesi, Camerino, Civitanova, Macerata, Ascoli, San Benedetto and Inrca from Ancona. But that is not enough: with the overcrowding of public facilities, agreements with accredited facilities can be reviewed, also reactivating facilities for out-of-hospital admission of patients in the post-critical phase. Like the structures of Fossombrone and Galantara for the vast Area 1, that of Chiaravalle for Vasta Area 2 and “Villa Maria” of Fermo for the vast Area 4.

According to the regional plan against the pandemic, “vaccination is undoubtedly the most effective action to limit the impact of a pandemic”: however, it is unlikely that an effective vaccine will be available soon and, above all, “even when it is ready , the amount available will be limited and insufficient for the entire population. ” When the vaccine is available, the Regional Pandemic Committee will define the procedures for its use. The Region also focuses heavily on hygiene standards and protective devices: “There is strong evidence that frequent hand washing reduces the risk of direct or indirect contact transmission of all respiratory infections.”

