COVID-19 puts teacher health back at the heart of the school


The school has closed classrooms since February, but even in early September, confusion reigns. The debate, from the beginning, focused on the size of the classrooms, the distances between the furniture first and then the students, the new individual benches with wheels, the masks, the measurement of fever at home with mercury thermometers or at school with thermochannelizers, etc. speaking. Until a few days ago, there was no trace of the teachers as main actors of the school, as if they were a useless appendix to the debate: simply “not received.”

A situation that represents well the scale of values ​​of the school according to public opinion, in institutions, politics, unions and commercial associations. The situation is not different among many of the same teachers: for them too, the students come first, then the parents, then the classrooms, and finally the desks. We recall that teachers existed only thanks to their announced refusal to undergo serological tests (one third of them) and especially after the identification of the so-called category of “fragile workers“More than 55 years. Only then was it understood that, without teachers, you cannot go to school, in fact, school without them simply does not exist.” To aggravate the image of what people now consider pariah of public service Here comes the age factor because our country has the oldest teachers, as well as the lowest paid, in Europe. In other words, we realize that 400,000 teachers would fall into the category of “fragile workers” due to the sole factor of age and, in any case, they could only take the DAD without exercising any supervision over pupils and students. Not being able to bear this situation, additional filters were introduced with respect to the purely personal (55 years). Therefore, “fragile workers” will be considered those who, in addition to being over 55 years of age, can prove serious chronic, immune and cardiovascular neoplastic diseases. We will see the practical effects if the solution devised will give the expected results, however we allow ourselves to doubt it a lot since these workers will still be in the order of tens of thousands of units.

Thus we discover that precisely those “tutors” are needed who know how to stay even two decades without contract renewal, who are paid miserably, who are not recognized for occupational diseases even now in the third millennium and who have finally undergone security reforms social in the dark (that is, without without evaluation of the health conditions of the professional category). Ultimately, the teachers are finally asking to become topic active, without just staying object passive, including Covid prevention.

Covid-19 therefore had the advantage of bringing the health of teachers to the center of the debate, which is the cornerstone of a healthy and functional school. A real mission in which everyone has failed: institutions, politics, unions. The Minister of Education, although represented by a teacher, has shown the same disinterest as all his predecessors in the commitment to identify occupational diseases in the category. Many unions have maintained the same attitude as the Trastevere ministry, while others have stopped in front of the rubber wall opposed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which has always stubbornly refused to make national data on disability available. to teach for cause. of health. So today we still find ourselves playing with terms that have no clinical meaning (exhaustion, Stress and occupational risks psychosocial) because they are not medical diagnoses recognized by the two American and European diagnostic manuals (DSM-V and ICD-10), while the reality is made up of thousands of diagnoses made to school workers, not by individual doctors, but by schools of health of the regional capitals in the last 10 years. It should be mentioned here that Italy, despite having the data, is the only European country that does not have national clinical studies on the inability to teach for health reasons, while local studies are available (Milan, Turin, Verona) show the absolute prevalence of psychiatric disorders among occupational diseases in the category. With regard to foreigners, it is enough to remember that in France (2005) and Great Britain (2009 and 2012) teachers found the highest risk of suicide among all professional categories. Despite the alarming international data and the worrying results of the studies of some Italian municipalities, all seem to share the ostrich policy to a greater or lesser extent, thus continuing to penalize the highest professional category and consequently the entire school.

All that remains is to hope that the Covid-19 affair will make us understand the centrality of teachers and their health in schools.
