Italy’s record brothers, Mannheimer polls crown Giorgia Meloni – Il Tempo


Giorgia Meloni records: Fratelli d’Italia flies at 17% and reaches an all-time high. According to the polls in the hands of Renato Mannheimer, the Meloni party is heading towards a historic result. For the Eumetra expert, consulted by Affaritaliani, at the end of August the FdI flies at 17%, the highest peak ever reached: thus with Meloni and Fratelli d’Italia the center-right has an advantage of 6 points over the left, rising 48.5% of the consensus of Italians, against 42 of the center left.

Matteo Salvini’s League, slightly below, continues at 23%, being the first game on the national scene. Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia continues to recover points, and supported by a constant recovery it obtains the positive result quantified at 8.5%. The dem led by secretary Nicola Zingaretti are nailed at around 20%. The pentastellati stop at 17. Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva is definitely stuck, now confused on what appears to be the insurmountable target of a slightly incisive 3%.

Left taillight / LeU, stops at 2%. Carlo Calenda and his Acción join Renzi and the party at 3% from the left: again. While the Communist Party of Marco Rizzo tries to overtake on the left with 1.5% (growing).
