Back to kindergarten 0-6 years, children accompanied by a single parent with a mask. Measurements for the outdoors


One of the most debated points: the return to school of the youngest children, from 0 to 6 years old. The memorandum of understanding between the ministry and the unions was definitively signed to guarantee the resumption of activities in the presence of educational and preschool services, in compliance with the safety regulations to contain the spread of Covid 19. This is what is expected for external access.

In point 3 of the document it is recommended to limit, as far as possible, access to visitors. However, if it is necessary to enter outside visitors (eg parents, cleaning company, maintenance), they must comply with a series of rules.

These are the general criteria indicated in the protocol:
• ordinary recourse to remote communications;
access limitation to cases of real need for administrative and operational management, possibly after the reservation and the relative programming;
regular registration of admitted visitors, with indication, for each of them, of the personal data (name, surname, date of birth, place of residence), of the corresponding telephone numbers, as well as the date of access and the time of permanence;
path differentiation interior and entry and exit points of the facility;
• supply of Road marks on the necessary distance and on the paths to follow;
cleaning complete, frequent and adequate ventilation of spaces;
• access to the facility through theaccompaniment of a single parent or by an adult delegated by the parents or those who exercise parental authority, in compliance with the general rules for the prevention of contagion, including the use of the mask by the accompanying adult during the entire stay within the structure.

See also

Reopening of schools, all the necessary procedures: documents to download, models, useful information. UPDATED
