School, teachers in the classroom tomorrow. The race for serological tests begins – La Stampa


ROME. It is the day of truth for local transport, with the Unified Conference called for tonight by Minister Boccia. And it is the eve of the return to school of the teachers, who tomorrow will return to service and in some cases will have to immediately dedicate themselves to remedial classes for students who were left behind in the distance learning period. Less than two weeks to go to the start of the school year for most Italian students. Many, perhaps too many, things to fix to ensure an orderly start.

Test and buffers
For voluntary serological tests for teachers, it should be the decisive week. General practitioners, or at least those who have made themselves available to perform them, expect a last-minute assault. “Most of the teachers will introduce themselves – says Maddalena Gissi of the CISL Scuola – if ever the doubt is about the capacity of the health service to guarantee the service ». Regarding the criticisms about the possibility that this year the “weaknesses” and exemptions for health reasons, the last of Matteo Renzi, yesterday, in the interview with La Stampa: “No one intends to back down, but those who suffer from certain pathologies and risks, they have the right to report it. ”The National Association of Directors confirms the availability of teachers for serological tests and swabs, in fact they relaunch the need to do them also in children,“ perhaps on a sample basis, since there are no resources to do a carpet screening. “And they hypothesize that parents sign self-certifications on the health status of their childrenme.

Work in progress
On the other hand, it is impossible to eliminate the risk of a positive student entering the school, therefore it is necessary to guarantee the distance in the classrooms. In many institutions the works of the so-called light school building are open, small interventions to tear down or tear down a wall, add a door, in short, adapt the spaces. Much depends on the reaction capacity (and spending) of the municipalities and provinces. According to the directors, there are still many critical situations, especially in the Center-South, and there are around 20 thousand classrooms missing. Where and until a distance of one meter can be guaranteed, students must wear a mask in class. Or stay at home in front of the PC one or two days a week, depending on the organization of each school.

Recovery Lessons

S tspeaks for remedial courses. In some schools it will start from this week or the next, in many others it will be preferable to postpone it until after the 14th, “also because it will take weeks before the entire staff of teachers and janitors is completed,” explains Gissi. According to Mario Rusconi, number one of the rectors of Rome and Lazio, “it would be correct to dedicate the first weeks to recovery, also doing some anti-Covid civic education.” Alternatively, make-up courses could take place in the afternoon, outside of normal hours, but at that time teachers would have to pay separately. And there would be some problems from the point of view of the displacements -explains Rusconi-, but there will also be them in the morning: we can also stagger the entrances to the school, but if the buses and trams stop circulating it is useless ”.

I mezzi
An increase in lines, which will be financed with additional resources, is one of the topics on the table at this afternoon’s meeting between the government and local authorities. It is also used to cover the 20% of passengers who will be left out of public transport, since the agreement to increase the maximum capacity allowed to 80% now seems safe. Notwithstanding the spacing, as long as the trip lasts no more than 15 minutes, that everyone wears a mask and that an efficient air exchange is guaranteed.
