“Study of February 12? There were three worst”, doubts about the 20 days before the closing – Libero Quotidiano


“I read that Repubblica only discovered today that on February 12 the government was conducting a study that hypothesized up to 60 thousand deaths. I actually had three with even worse assumptions.“. So Augusto Minzolini commented on the report that ended up in the hands of the newspaper headed by Maurizio Molinari and that casts many shadows on the government’s responsibilities in handling the coronavirus epidemic. “Perhaps you should also ask yourself why, with this information, the confinement was decided only twenty days later”Added the editorialist of The newspaper, which rightly points out the fact that Giuseppe Conte, Minister Roberto Speranza and the rest of the government (including experts from the CTS) moved with enormous delay.

The first effective measures arrived on March 8, but the papers show that already on February 12 at Palazzo Chigi they were aware of what would happen. On the other hand, the study of Stefano merler, a researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation who specializes in mathematical models applied to epidemics, had clearly foreseen the scenario that then occurred, that is, that of at least 35 thousand deaths from Covid. Minzolini’s question joins the already uncomfortable ones that Repubblica raises, which wants to get to the bottom of this matter: “What we did from February 12 to March 9When does the blockade begin, to prepare the health system for the probable arrival of the virus? When and how did we finally come up with a plan for a real pandemic? Is it possible to know its content? “Questions that have been left unanswered for now.
