Botta di Sedrina, Lega attack: “More than 700 signatures to close the reception center”


More than 700 signatures. Seven hundred and fourteen to be precise, to request the closure of San Giuseppa to Sedrina’s Botta.

“For years – says the Sedrina League section, reporting the text of the petition – the citizens of Botta, but also of the entire Val Brembana, have suffered a series of hardships from asylum seekers little controlled by the managers who report to the Caritas Bergamo Cooperatives ”.

The closing of the signature collection campaign was to close in mid-August. “Given the continuous request of citizens to support the Petition – specifies the Carroccio – however we have decided to close it on Tuesday, August 25”

A collection of signatures that the Sedrina section believes have gone “beyond the most optimistic expectations”, given that citizens have expressed “many complaints and concerns” derived from the “‘inappropriate’ behavior of asylum seekers”.

“In the first days of September – the League concludes – we will ask the Parliamentarians of the Italian Republic to deliver the signatures in support of this Petition to the Prefect of Bergamo, in the hope that the latter will hear the voice of the many, too many citizens that, exasperated by this situation, deserve respect ”.
