Coronavirus: France observes special, Italy assesses hyssop obligation


The plan the government is studying

After the outbreak of infections, the expansion of the model already applied for Spain, Croatia, Greece and Malta is evaluated with the obligation of buffers at the entrance but also for those that go beyond the Alps

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Coronavirus, the obligation to cushion the flows with France is studied

After the outbreak of infections, the expansion of the model already applied for Spain, Croatia, Greece and Malta is evaluated with the obligation of buffers at the entrance but also for those that go beyond the Alps

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Faced with the increase in contagion in France, where the last bulletin registered 5,453 new cases, the Italian government is considering the possibility of extending the model already adopted for Greece, Malta, Croatia and Spain to the flows with the neighboring country. With a new fix: buffer obligation not only for those arriving in Italy, as planned, but also for those traveling in the opposite direction. This can be done at the airport, where ad hoc areas have already been established, or at the border where entry points for controls will be organized.

The obligation to cushion the flows with France is studied

Swabbing can also be performed at the destination according to the already established protocol that foresees going in isolation and calling the regional numbers on the website of the Ministry of Health, which can be consulted in the “Who to contact” section or on the websites of individual Regions to report. your arrival. At that time, the competent ASL will undertake to submit the applicant to a diagnostic test within the 48 hours required by the order of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, on August 12.

The alternative way to test

Alternatively, as is already the case in Spain, Croatia, Malta and Greece, the obligation to present a molecular or antigenic test, with a negative result, carried out by means of a swab will be activated within 72 hours prior to entering Italy. In this case, it will not be necessary to submit to the arrival in Italy. So far the framework under study by the Executive which, as mentioned, is also evaluating the principle of reciprocity. Translated: the obligation of swabbing also for those who go from Italy to France and the same could also happen to Spain, among the European countries that have registered the highest number of cases in recent weeks.
