self-certification of hypotheses for underage students


The proposal comes from Antonello Giannelli, president of the National Association of Bastions: “Self-certifications such as those already distributed at airports, in line with all the precautions taken at the national level.” Then he adds: “We are in favor of screening students. However, I think there are not enough resources to carry it out.”

A self-certification signed by families for the return to class of underage students in September, with the unknown factor Covid. The proposal comes from Antonello Giannelli, president of the National Presidi Association (PNA). “It would be a good idea for parents to sign self-certifications – for the beginning of the school year – for underage children, such as those already distributed at airports – explains Giannelli – And it is in line with all the precautions taken at the national level” Regarding the administration of serological tests, extended voluntarily, even to children, the president of the APN adds: “We are in favor of screening students. However, I think there are not enough resources to carry them out, considering that they are 8.5 million.
