Renziana marginalized by the left for not having lynched the “enemy” Fontana


Milan «Italia vivacchia» also in Lombardy. Matteo Renzi’s party falls to small coasters and also in the “grillina” motion against Attilio Fontana he surrenders to a “bushy” destiny of Pd and 5 Stars.

Whoever has a superior idea is rejected. And this is the story of Patrizia Baffi, the only regional councilor in Lombardy, who ended up marginalized, isolated from the party and fed those who hate, with only one fault: she does not want to participate in the “lynching” of the governor, stubbornly keeping the faith – at the beginning of Italy. Live. And to think that the fortune that often smiled on the former Florentine Prime Minister was once again on her side: in the Regional Council of Lombardy she had found a perfect interpreter of her ambitions: autonomous, female, Lodi, Renzianissima, entered the party ( Now, the “colonels” of Italy alive want to expel her, and the party leaders leave her alone at the mercy of the “haters”. The political ordeal began when she said “no” to the clumsy motion of censure against the Councilor for Social Welfare Giulio Gallera – also shot by left-wing “snipers” – and continued when she was elected president of the COVID-19 investigation commission. “I received intimidating messages – she says – I was attacked in commission with sexist phrases. Bold hints were made in the photos that portrayed me on official occasions with Fontana and Gallera. And nobody said anything. Baffi has decided to maintain an opposition line, yes, but responsible. And she claimed the consistency of her choice with her principles and the leader of IV. In fact, the Lombard governor is the same one to whom Renzi – via SMS – affectionately promised to collaborate. “Not signing the motion is a personal choice – explains Baffi – but in line with what Italia viva has always said. I thought we were fighting populism and mystifications. That document is useless, it does not provide answers to citizens but only to party secretariats. I’m not with Fontana but I’m not against it either. I have no enemies but opponents who defeat in the elections. I abide by the words of President Mattarella. There is no propaganda about the virus. The Lombard system has shown fragility but to blame a single person for 16,000 deaths is an act of cruelty.

In Rome Italia viva, with the leader of the group Davide Faraone declares that those who think about motions of no confidence against the minister of the school are “without wheels”, and meanwhile in Milan it forces Baffi to vote the anti-Fontana distrust. But she does not give in: «I take note of it with regret – she says – I am consistent. Perhaps the reasons for our being together have failed.
