Reopening of schools and DA: what hourly DA rate for each teacher? – School News


Let’s imagine a school day at DID and gradually address the various problematic issues in relation to the reopening of schools.

How many hours of study for students?

Imagine that half the class works from home and half the class works from school; Let’s imagine that the two groups do it at the same time, but with different teachers, who will obviously work one in the classroom (for face-to-face teaching), the other from the school’s computer room (for distance learning). The two groups will do lessons respecting each other’s schedules. In other words, students at home will study exactly as much as their peers.

When the two groups are reversed, or in any case every time one passes from one didactic moment to another, it will be necessary to provide the appropriate break. In the meantime the environments will be adequately disinfected. Students waiting to enter the classroom will wait outside the school, outdoors or in large classrooms, with the appropriate distance from one student to another.

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How many hours of DDA work for teachers?

What DDA hourly rate for each teacher? Or rather: who defines the Hourly quota that each teacher will have to dedicate to Dad on a weekly basis.? The answer is: the Director, based on the criteria identified by the Faculty, in accordance with the provisions of the CCNL, taking care to ensure adequate weekly space for all disciplines.

What unit of time in DID?

Should the weekly hourly unit in DDI be 60 minutes or less? This issue, as the compaction of disciplines, as well as any form of didactic and organizational structuring, is the responsibility of the school, in accordance with the School Autonomy Regulations.

Last knot: what if a new lock requires the DID to become exclusive distance learning?

In this case, the DID guidelines establish minimum lessons per hour.

Minimum hourly rates in accordance with DID guidelines

– Primary school: taking into account the age of the students, it is preferable to propose short experiences, short films or audio files.

– First cycle school: ensure at least 15 hours a week of synchronous teaching with the entire class group (10 hours for the first classes of primary school), also organized in a flexible way, in which to build disciplinary and interdisciplinary trajectories, with the possibility of providing additional activities in a small group, as well as proposed in asynchronous mode according to the most appropriate methods.

– Lower secondary schools with a musical focus: ensure students, through the purchase by the school of web services or applications that allow synchronized execution, both individual instrument lessons and hours of ensemble music.

– Second grade secondary: guaranteeing at least 20 hours a week of teaching in synchronized mode with the entire group of the class, with the possibility of carrying out more activities in a small group as well as proposals in asynchronous mode according to the methods considered most appropriate.

The ministerial pdf of the guidelines for the DDI:

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