
It is necessary to distinguish: physical frailty, psychological the sociocultural? This is what we talk about when the problem of adapting Integrated Digital Didactics to fragile students arises. So what are the costs for teachers? What kind of didactic-pedagogical planning for going back to school?
Physical frailty
The point is: a physically fragile student should be able to take advantage of the home training courses that can be organized in agreement with the families and with the local and health structures that have certified and recognized the frailty. That is to say, for them distance education, even when their peers carried out integrated digital teaching or alternate face-to-face study and distance study.
Psychological frailty
The opposite case is that of a student whose fragility inverted the emotional and psychological sphere. For him, on the contrary, it would probably be necessary to favor face-to-face school attendance and resort to distance education only if it was extremely necessary.

Sociocultural fragility
And let’s not forget the third case: sociocultural fragility to which economic fragility is often added. The ministerial guidelines recommend special attention to students with non-Italian citizenship who have just arrived in Italy, for which the intervention and participation of all the necessary territorial agencies is required, in order to make professional figures available to students. adequate (the intercultural mediator, for example) and allow them not to aggravate the initial sociocultural and economic gap by accentuating their condition of fragility.
The principle of inclusion
To get to the point, what burden on teachers compared to the presence of fragile students? First of all the burden of one inclusive programming. Inclusion in the face of fragile students should be the first pedagogical-didactic objective. They must be guaranteed the same right to study as any other student.
What does this mean in operational terms?
Within the teaching staff, general objectives and criteria of the institute will be established to say DID or DaD or face-to-face teaching, due to some type of fragility; In the class council the teacher will have to specify why in a certain type of fragility of a particular student he has planned to work with a certain method or approach. Therefore, you will have to choose (and justify the choice): integrated teaching, teaching in exclusive presence the exclusive distance learning?
In short: let us leave the selection criteria to the Faculty, which will prepare the integrated digital teaching school plan and communicate it to families; the choice is specified to the class council, which will be in charge of implementing and monitoring individual and group educational projects and pathways, relating them to the results and possibly modifying some features along the way.
With respect to families, therefore, total transparency in the didactic-pedagogical options for their children, respecting the privacy of the students.
The ministerial pdf of the guidelines for the DDI: