Renzi the teachers: go back to school as garbage collectors and cashiers who have been working since February. Azzolina? Coming soon – School News


“Teachers must do tests and swabs and also the vaccine”: said on August 30 the leader of Italy Viva Matteo Renzi, expressing “esteem for the category of teachers: if pharmacists, garbage collectors and cashiers have been working since February, no I see why teachers should continue to stay home, ”Renzi said.

“School – the former prime minister told the press – is the mother of all the battles of this phase, along with work. I believe that today it is essential to give a hand to all so that they can start again ”.

Azzolina: soon the accounts

As for Minister Azzolina’s sentence, “the accounts are usually done at the end. Here they will be done at the beginning, after the reopening. “

ICOTEA_19_inside article

After talking about the referendum for the cut of parliamentarians (“if you are a serious person, make this reform overcoming bicameralism and simplifying the legislative process, if you do it only with a linear cut you are making a populist commercial”), having said that the regional “Italia Viva will go very well.”

Government reorganization? I do not care

For the former Democratic Party secretary, the government cracks are obviously not inferences. And there is the possibility of a reorganization. But it is not considered an ideal solution.

“Italia Viva – Renzi said – is the least represented party, we have three militants in the government and the Pd 27, nine times more and in the Senate they only have twice as many senators. I would have everything to win by asking for it, but I don’t care, ”he says.

Then he defends Giuseppe Conte: “I want to raise the country, not overthrow the prime minister. If you want to be the starter of the Five Stars or a new game, I don’t care: I encourage you to go ahead, starting with the petition of the Month ”, concluded the Italia Viva manager.

A few days ago he defended the minister

A few days ago, Senator Matteo Renzi also sided with Minister Lucía Azzolina, supporting the reopening on September 14.

“I said it in March and they thought I was crazy, remember? But distance education – he declared – is not enough, it is not enough, it is not enough. The boys need to go back to school, with serological tests (he also supported it in April, ed), with all the controls, but at school! I think it is time to stop the controversy and lend a hand to the Government so that the objective is achieved ”.

Immediately after school starts, however, he now announces that it will be time to settle the score …
