Coronavirus, in Italy 1,365 new cases and 4 deaths


Infections were down slightly compared to 1,444 yesterday but with fewer swabs performed (81,723 versus nearly 100,000 on Saturday). In the daily bulletin, the Basilicata Region announced that it will report today’s infections and tests on Monday only.

Leap of infections in Campania Controls in Campania are increasing, in particular those related to the return of tourists, and the number of new Covid positives detected in the Region is advancing, to 270 (of which 58 from Sardinia and 67 from abroad) out of 6,729 swabs . The Campania region is highlighted in a note from the Crisis Unit. explains that “the precautionary strategy that consists of early identification of asymptomatic infected patients, allows to quickly confine the positive to Covid 19, thus avoiding a further spread of the infection, with possible repercussions in a possible phase of autumnal recrudescence of the infection itself “. The current screening of returns is essential from the point of view of a strategy to contain the infection, “recalls the Campania crisis unit.”

Three deaths in Lombardy 235 positive for coronavirus have been found in the last 24 hours in Lombardy, while there have been 3 deaths. This was announced by the Region, who explained that the relationship between the number of new swabs and the positives found is 1.8%. Of the new cases, 30 are weakly positive and seven after serological tests.
