beaches evacuated due to strong gusts of wind, possible hailstorms also in the Teramo area


Beaches evacuated and bathers fleeing, in Pescara, by very strong gusts of hot wind from Libeccio (Garbino). Possible hailstorms are not excluded, especially in the areas of Teramo and Pescarese.

Escape from the general flight of bathers, from the beaches of Pescara and the neighboring municipalities, this afternoon, due to the very strong gusts of wind that have affected the Adriatic capital. The lifeguards, after the weather alert branched out, pulled people, especially from the water. The weather expert Giovanni De Palma speaks of violent gusts of wind from Libeccio (Garbino) that have caused temperatures to rise to almost 40 degrees. De Palma continues: “As announced in previous updates, there is a deterioration in the western sector of our region, with storms in the Aquila, which extend towards Marsica. The transfer of these phenomena to the Adriatic sector is not excluded, in particular in the areas of Teramo and Pescara, with possible strong gusts of wind associated. The storms are also spreading across the Adriatic side. “

Mineral 18.00: According to forecasts, the rain has reached the city, with abundant rains especially in the area of ​​the Hills but that have been exhausted in a short time. At this point it is expected to start raining again to help firefighters extinguish the serious New Year’s fire. Storm with floods in L’Aquila and it also rained in Teramo.

“Attention, in addition to the strong wind, hailstorms will be possible especially in the areas of Teramo and Pescara“. morning There is still bad weather and temperatures up to 10 to 12 degrees.

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