The situation Coronavirus in Italy based on bulletin of the 30 august 2020. The new ones contagion recorded in the last 24 hours are 1,365 (compared to 1,444 yesterday). The number of victims increased, four in one day (yesterday only one death), for a total of 35,477 deaths. Case records in Campania: 270. The series of records stops at the number of tampons carried out: 81,723 compared to almost 100,000 yesterday, but in today’s bulletin it is specified that the Basilicata Region will communicate the number of swabs and cases analyzed today only tomorrow. This is what emerges from the data of the Ministry of Health.
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Covid Italia, another 7 patients in intensive care: a total of 86
Even today there are no zero contagion regions.
270 new cases of coronavirus have emerged in the last 24 hours in Campania from the analysis of 6,729 swabs. Of the 270 new cases, 125 concern returns to the region from Sardinia (58) and from abroad (67). The total of positives in Campania since the beginning of the emergency amounts to 6,882, while the total of swabs analyzed is 413,478. No new coronavirus-related deaths were recorded on the last day (the total number of deaths is still 445) while there are 16 new cured: the total cured is now 4,412, of which 4,407 are fully cured and 5 clinically recovered.
In the last 24 hours, 235 new positive cases of coronavirus have been registered in Lombardy, of which 30 ‘weakly positive and 7 after serological tests. This was announced by the Lombardy Region. Three victims: the total of deaths amounts to 16,863.
The number of patients admitted to intensive care increases slightly (20, +2 compared to yesterday) in Lombardy due to the coronavirus. The total number of healed / discharged increases: 76,248 (+48), of which 1,283 discharged and 74,965 recovered. Non-intensive care patients are 194 (+9). The swabs made are 12,863, the total total amounts to 1,586,967. This was announced by the Lombardy Region when providing data on the health emergency.
The new cases registered in Lazio in the last 24 hours are 156. There have been 12,784 swabs, which places Lazio in second place among the Regions that have done it the most, only behind Lombardy, with 12,863.
Emilia romagna
Coronavirus infections in Emilia-Romagna continue to decrease slightly: in the last 24 hours, the new positives, verified thanks to 9,200 swabs, are in fact 109, of which 56 asymptomatic: 52 were already isolated at the time of swabbing and 48 were have been identified in known outbreaks. On the other hand, there are 5 new infections linked to returns from abroad, while the number of cases of returns from other regions is 22. The average age of new positives is currently 37 years. There were no deaths, but the number of hospitalized patients continues to increase, albeit slightly: there are 11 in intensive care, one more than yesterday and 99 in the rest of the Covid wards (+1). Regarding the situation in the territory, the provinces with the highest number of cases are Ravenna (21), Parma (20) and Bologna (18).
Another 98 positives (average age up to 34 years) for the coronavirus in Tuscany compared to yesterday, but no deaths for the second day in a row. Hence the daily report for the region. Now in Tuscany the cases of positivity found have risen to 11,785. Among the 98 more cases, 24 are linked to returns from abroad (only four for holidays in Greece and Spain), 14 are linked to returns from other regions (13 from Sardinia), a third of them are a contact linked to a previous case . Deaths are stable at 1,141. Those cured reached 9,141 (147 clinicians in the process of negativization) and 8,994 viral recoveries, with double negative swab.
The tests carried out reached 535,080, 6,433 more than yesterday. The positives are currently 1,503 (+ 5.8% as of yesterday), of which 1,450 are in isolation at home for presenting mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, while those hospitalized are 53 (+4 as of yesterday, more 8.2%), five in intensive care (stable). Still growing, there are 3,687 (144 more than + 4.1%) people, negative but also isolated in quarantine, under active surveillance for ASL, because they have had contact with infected people.
Today in Puglia, out of 2,708 tests for Covid-19 infection, 69 positive cases were registered, the highest number since last April: 41 in the province of Bari, 8 in Bat, 1 in the province of Brindisi, 14 in the province of Foggia, 1 in the province of Lecce, 4 in the province of Taranto. There are no deaths. Since the beginning of the emergency, 303,046 tests have been carried out, 4,029 patients have been cured, while the currently positive cases are 817, of which 122 are hospitalized. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 5,402. The Epidemiological Coordination of the Puglia Region announces that “thanks to the detection activity initiated with the returns from Sardinia, today 8 new positive cases have been identified in the region.”
For the 41 positives in the province of Bari – explains the general director of ASL Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce – “there are 17 cases with symptoms that have been treated by the emergency room of our hospitals that are being investigated; 16 cases found in the contact tracing activity of our prevention department; 4 returns from Sardinia, 1 return from Sicily, 1 from Greece and 2 patients subjected to smears according to protocol before performing a health service ”.
The cases of positivity to Covid-19 verified in Sardinia since the beginning of the health emergency amount to 2,114. There are 22 new cases more than the update provided yesterday by the Regional Crisis Unit, while the victims remain 134 in total. In total, 134,534 swabs were made, 1,134 more than yesterday. The patients currently hospitalized in the hospital range from 24 to 28. There are 3 patients in intensive care, one more than yesterday, while the number of people currently in home isolation is 681. The progressive number of positive cases includes one thousand and 264 cured patients, one more than in the previous bulletin, plus another 4 clinically cured. Of the 2000 114 cases, 383 were detected in the metropolitan city of Cagliari (+5), 217 in southern Sardinia (+2), 65 in Oristano, 125 in Nuoro (+3), 1,324 in Sassari (+12) .
A leap forward in the new Covid cases found on the last day in Umbria, 31 against 12 yesterday, 1,784 since the start of the pandemic, against 1,662 swabs analyzed (153,666 in total). It can be read on the Region’s website. The number of victims was unchanged at 80, another seven recovered, 1,437 in total. Therefore, the current positives go from 243 to 267. In hospitals, on the other hand, there is one less hospitalized, 11, one in intensive care in Perugia, after the discharge of a Covid patient from Terni.
Last updated: 17:10