Weather August 30, the heat is counted


One gasps, for a few more hours, in Foggia and in the province, inland and on the coast. The strange August of the year of the Covid19 pandemic closes with a blanket of embarrassment and suffocating heat, as announced by Civil Protection that reported local temperatures in the Adriatic and maximum temperatures up to very high temperatures. They have reached 40 degrees since yesterday and are undoubtedly the ones that are perceived even when the mercury column reads 38. The heat wave arrived on time and the Gargano is also an oven.

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It seems, however, the tail blow of summer. Experts agree on a drop in temperatures. Tomorrow some scattered precipitation, in the afternoon, will bring some refreshment. And as of Tuesday, temperatures should drop to ten degrees, and in any case below 30. Escape from the city on the last weekend of the month that coincides with the counter-exodus on state roads and highways where this morning However, no particular traffic problems were reported.
