“The Superticket It has been abolished since September 1 and no one will pay for it“The announcement is from the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza on Facebook, where he shares an image with a cross in the reference. “Whenever a person fails to provide proper care for economic reasons, we face defeat for all and a violation of the Constitution. For this reason, in December we approved the regulations that come into force on September 1. The Superticket is abolished and no one will pay for it anymore. It is the 10 euros that patients pay for each prescription for diagnostic services and specialists.
Farewell to Superticket in Emilia-Romagna: from September 1 you will no longer pay. Two years ago it was a pioneer Region
Whenever a person does not care as he should for financial reasons we face a defeat for all and …
Posted by Roberto Speranza on Saturday, August 29, 2020
It is already a matter of hours that, as of September 1, the suppression of the superticket comes into force, for all and for all incomes, the additional fee of 10 euros provided for specialized health services. A measure, waited for years, implemented with extra resources from the National Health Fund with which, as the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, had repeatedly stated, “a real health tax will be canceled.” Every year almost 3,000 million euros are spent on the ticket or on the distribution of healthcare costs borne by patients.
Farewell to Superticket in Emilia-Romagna: from September 1 you will no longer pay. Two years ago it was a pioneer Region
Only part of them refers to the superticket, a novelty introduced in 2011 during the spending review period. Expected in the last maneuver, the abolition became law on December 23 and is around 165 million euros in 2020 and 490 for the following years. Symbolically important. With this novelty, in fact, a tax that has weighed especially on those who are less likely to be served is annulled. “Every time a person does not take care of himself as he should for economic reasons – said the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza – we are facing a defeat for all and a violation of the Constitution. For this reason, in December we approved the regulations that come into force on September 1.
Salud, Abruzzo suppresses the super ticket in recipes from September
The superticket is abolished and no one will pay for it anymore. On the other hand, for those who are not exempt based on income, the cost of the ticket itself is maintained, which varies depending on the performance and is around 30-35 euros. Over the years, in addition to weighing on the pockets of some 15 million Italians, the superticket has also increased inequalities in the country. “Today we can speak of a real ‘jungle of supertickets – explains the president of Codacons, Carlo Rienzi – and there are no certain figures on the collection guaranteed by this tax also because the regional administrations proceed in random order, often changing the letters on table “. In some regions, Rienzi continues, “it is paid in full, in others in proportion to the recipe or based on income.”
Superticket, Speranza: “Abolition is law: citizens will no longer have to pay for it from September”
From now on, all of this will be standardized. Many, the regions that had already totally or partially abolished it: the first to do so was Emilia Romagna, in July 2018, for incomes of up to 100,000 gross euros, the last was Lombardy, as of March 1, 2020. “Delete the superticket is an important step that we have been waiting for years and it is also the result of the battles fought by many civic organizations “, comments Antonio Gaudioso, secretary general of Cittadinanzattiva, a citizens’ association that had collected 35,000 signatures calling for its abolition. .
The starting measure, adds Gaudioso, “eliminates a tax that made public health lose money instead of earning it, because it led more and more people to turn to private health, whose health services in some cases had a lower price” . The hope, Gaudioso concludes, is that “the already announced reprogramming of the ticket based on the progressivity of family income can also happen. The premise, in this case, should be a real fight against tax evasion ”. “A victory for all”, says the president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti. In recent days, on the eve of the abolition coming into force, a dispute has broken out in Piedmont between the Region and the opposition to demand the measure.
Last updated: 18:27