Coronavirus-positive migrants try to escape and attack the military


Panic on Saturday afternoon at the Celio military hospital in Rome. Three Nigerians, two women and a man, hospitalized for a few days in the hospital because they tested positive for Covid-19, unleashed all the chaos in the structure, first emitting and then attacking, even biting, officials and health workers, after dump desks. furniture and beds and turned the whole apartment upside down.

The three foreigners demanded to be discharged: they reacted violently to the refusal of the doctors, unleashing terror in the hospital for a good half hour. While trying to escape from the room, the three found themselves in front of medical personnel with protections against contagion and managed to tear off the anti-Covid suit of a young officer, who will now be forced to quarantine.

Sources inside the hospital said that during the struggle the foreigners also tried for a few minutes to protect themselves in the escape with a 16-year-old Bengali boy hospitalized in the facility and close to discharge for being negative for the virus. A detail that the police do not confirm at the moment.

Several people, including military and medical personnel, were not seriously injured in the upheaval, until the situation, also thanks to the intervention of the police, was brought under control.

The military personnel of the “Celio” Military Polyclinic and the Carabinieri of the Military Police have restored order by detaining three Nigerian migrants hospitalized for Covid 19 positivity who tried to escape from the hospital – we read in Adnkronos -. Report to the Defense Staff on the events of Celio.

Faced with the attempted evasion and non-compliance with the rules governing quarantine and the respective health surveillance, Smd announces that “the three migrants were detained immediately, while the health security measures provided for in the protocol were established for all personnel involved. defined as part of the measures to combat Covid19“.

It should be noted that the Joint Operations Command of the Defense General Staff, informed of what was happening, “immediately coordinated with the Ministry of the Interior and the Prefecture of Rome to restore order. The situation is now under control.” with the three Nigerian immigrants under close surveillance“.

“Scandalous: Three Covid-positive Nigerian immigrants admitted to Celio’s military hospital wreaked havoc, tried to escape, and also attacked military and medical bites. This government of irresponsible lunatics endangers the safety and health of Italians and wants to transform Italy in the refugee camp of Europe. Shame. ” The president of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni, writes on Facebook.

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Matteo Salvini’s attack is also harsh: “Three Nigerians in Celio have bitten the Italian soldiers, those three fools as far as I’m concerned are returning to their country in the first ready boat. Respectable tax-paying immigrants are welcome, They are willing to give respect, but I ask for respect. If you really escape the war and pay your taxes, you are welcome, otherwise we don’t need you. “
