“Covid is fake news to take away our freedom.” From Berlin to London, the people of No-Mask – La Stampa


«Wrap your mobile phones in aluminum foil, turning them off is not enough! They want to file you. Please, it is very important, do it or they will forbid you to demonstrate! ». The “storm over Berlin” is a roar that invades the center of the German capital with slogans deniers. Rapper Xavier Naidoo has been cheering on the “No Mask” crowd for days on Telegram. “Covid does not exist, it is a theory to have us in hand”, the messages are pursued, without contradiction. The procession of 38 thousand people, organized by the “Querdenken 711” (Side Thought 711) of Stuttgart, is a river that from Friedrichstrasse reaches under the Brandenburg Gate without safety distances, in the name of the “freedoms that the government it denies us ». Supporters of Michael Ballweg’s movement call for rebellion, to denounce schools and kindergartens because “they cover the faces of our children and prevent them from breathing.”

Stop the bans, the crowd asks, violating all security measures against the virus. The pandemic is a “theater” and the protections are “the new fascism,” says a huge striscione. They wave flags of the Reich, the march of the “Reichsbürger”, right-wing fundamentalists who deny the German state. And again, the followers of the conspiracy theories of QAnon, those of the Identity Movement, the Npd, the Third Way, to complete the scenario of extremism, behind the officials of the AfD.. On the sidelines are also hundreds of German youth and families, who believe that the coronavirus cannot “limit civil rights.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of Bob, a well-known anti-vaccinist, leaves. He launches against 5G, harangues the public against the “surveillance state” and thunders: “My uncle Kennedy, in June 1963, came to this city as a front against totalitarianism. Today Berlin is that front again ”. He is joined by the Italian deniers, who from the stage invite everyone on September 5 to the great anti-vax demonstration in Rome.

The police, after repeated calls since the morning, dissolve the mega rally, but the people of No do not leave. In the days when contagions are on the rise, from France (5,453 only yesterday) to Germany itself (+1,479), Berlin drags the squares of other major European capitals, all in an impressive chorus that denies the danger, which it wants to remove the black months of the blockade, the nightmare of a virus that quickly infected country after country, the death toll: 208,570 yesterday in Europe. “Covid is fake news, a government invention,” shout thousands of protesters in Trafalgar Square, London. The deception, the diabolical machination of the elites who “want to keep people enslaved.” The masks? “I am a useless muzzle”, and it does not matter if in the United Kingdom more than 40 thousand people died from the virus, and if 1,108 new cases were registered yesterday.

Vaccines and viruses, the fight continues the same way. The WHO, along with Bill Gates, also opposes the cartels in the conspiracy pandemonium. Speakers in Trafalgar also expected Piers Corbyn, a meteorologist and older brother of former Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn. “Down with the Covid Law” is one of the repeated phrases. “We have been deceived – says Elisha Edwardes, 36 -. The blockades have affected more than the coronavirus.

Even in Paris, which a few days ago introduced the obligation to wear masks, the same sequences were staged: protesters, surrounded by police, crowded and unprotected. The agents fined 123 people – the penalty for those who do not wear a mask in the French capital is 135 euros – and detained a protester. Skirmishes broke out in Berlin in front of the Russian embassy, ​​bottles and stones being thrown at 3,000 deployed policemen, and the day ended with seven officers wounded and 200 arrests. The “storm over Berlin” was announced on Telegram, a megaphone that has moved more than 30,000 people, the power of social networks at the time of the epidemic. The activists and the many supporters of the “Lateral Thought 711” for days in the chat exchanged videos and messages against the “Crown”, but also esoteric theories and invitations to use weapons, report the security authorities. Disagree, first and foremost, against “the new normal”. Rejected by that part of society that, in a parallel and subversive way, draws up lists of the most generous doctors in issuing certificates of exemption from oral and nasal protection. In recent days, Chancellor Angela Merkel had said that Covid is “democratic”, it affects everyone. And democratically, yesterday, the people of No marched. The Berlin court has given the green light to demonstrate, despite the regional government banning the maxi-rally. In the name, they said, of “freedom day.” Maybe from them. Certainly not one of those who are afraid, observe the rules and fight a virus that is not at all defeated.
