The electoral campaign in Campania is more complicated than expected for the Captain’s team. Matteo Salvini in the South does not seem to break through, or rather it seems that the long wave of his success has begun to recede. At least according to the latest data collected by surveys. Yesterday, the Corriere della Sera hosted the speech by Nando Pagnoncelli in which they highlighted some fundamental data collected by Ipsos in the Campania Region (one of the seven calls to vote on Sunday 20 and Monday 21 September for the renewal of the regional councils and governors). Not only was it the great gap that currently separates Vincenzo De Luca from his rival (Stefano Caldoro, candidate for the center right). Pagnoncelli also underlined another fact that may be significant not only for the administrative vote but in general for the internal balances of the coalition formed by the Brothers of Italy, Lega and Forza Italia. And the data is the collapse (it cannot be considered otherwise) of Salvini’s party. According to the Ipsos poll, in fact, the Carroccio has lost its grip and charm with the Campania electorate. And he lost it in just over a year. In fact, it has gone from the 19.2 percent achieved at the 2019 European Championships to 3.3 percent today. However, the regional secretary of the Northern League, Nicola Molteni, does not consider very reliable a survey that collects interviews with a sample of only 930 people out of an electorate of five million. “In addition, 20% of the interviewees – Molteni recalls – still declare themselves undecided. We are not, we demand and we are willing to defend the League and the reality of the events in all the appropriate forums. The only certain fact, he explains, is that the League is presented for the first time in Campania, a success in itself.
Analysts point out that the collapse of the League is anomalous and could be determined by the names included in Carroccio’s lists. Candidates who mostly come from other parties. Anomalous for another reason too: League allies don’t lose. Rather. Forza Italia with 14 percent is double the points nationally, while Fratelli d’Italia conquers the double figures. Also interesting is the signal offered by the list of the Union of the Center in support of Caldoro. “I do not believe in the polls that Corriere publishes – says Christian Democratic leader Gianfranco Rotondi -. And I don’t believe in the announced triumph of Vincenzo De Luca. However, I see these polls give our Dc / Caldoro and Forza Italia lists 18 percent overall. They finished us, what to say? This sunset avenue is not bad. Without the collapse of the League, analysts commented, the match between De Luca and Caldoro (the third in the last ten years) would certainly be much closer.