
In the “Operational indications for the management of cases and outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in schools and in children’s educational services”, the indications are given to schools by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. This is what to expect in the event of a full school COVID case.
If a student or a school worker has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 it will be necessary to perform an extraordinary cleanup of the school:
Sanitation should be carried out if 7 days or less have passed since the positive person visited or used the facility.
- Close areas used by the positive person until sanitation is complete.
- Open doors and windows to facilitate air circulation in the room.
- Disinfect (clean and disinfect) all areas used by the positive person, such as offices, classrooms, dining rooms, bathrooms, and common areas.
- Continue with routine cleaning and disinfection.
In the presence of confirmed cases of COVID-19, it is up to the DdP (Prevention Department) of the ASL with territorial jurisdiction to attend to the epidemiological investigation aimed at carrying out contact location activities (investigation and contact management).
For students and school staff identified as close contacts in the confirmed COVID-19 case, the DoP will prescribe quarantine for 14 days after the last exposure.
To facilitate contact tracing activities, the school contact person for COVID-19 should:
- provide the list of students from the class in which the confirmed case occurred;
- provide the list of teachers / educators who have carried out the teaching activity within the class in which the confirmed case occurred;
- provide elements for the reconstruction of close contacts that occurred in the 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms and those that occurred in the 14 days after the onset of symptoms. For asymptomatic cases, consider the 48 hours prior to the collection of the sample that led to the diagnosis and the 14 days after the diagnosis;
- indicate students / school workers with frailty;
Please provide any lists of school operators and / or absent students.
Elements to assess the close contact quarantine and the closure of part or all of the school
Assessment of close contact status is the responsibility of the DoP and actions are taken after an assessment of any exposure. If a student / school worker is COVID-19 positive, the DoP will consider prescribing quarantine for all students in the same class and any exposed school workers who are set up as close contacts. The closure of a school or part of it should be evaluated by the DoP based on the number of confirmed cases and any group and the level of circulation of the virus within the community. A single confirmed case in a school should not result in its closure, especially if transmission in the community is not high. In addition, the DdP may foresee the dispatch of mobile units to carry out diagnostic tests in the school structure based on the need to define the possible circulation of the virus.
See also
Reopening of schools, all the necessary procedures: documents to download, models, useful information. UPDATED