1,444 new cases, one death, almost 100,000 swabs. Increase in patients in intensive care


Covid Italia, today's newsletter August 29, 2020: 1,444 new cases

The situation Coronavirus in Italy based on bulletin of the 29 august 2020. The new ones contagion registered in the last 24 hours are 1,444 (compared to 1,462 yesterday). Just one victim, after 9 a.m. yesterday. New registration of the tampons which are close to 100,000 (99,108), according to data from the Ministry of Health.

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Covid Italia, intensive care is growing. Buffer registration

Total coronavirus cases in Italy now stand at 266,853 and victims at 35,473. There are currently 23,156 positive people, an increase of 121 in 24 hours. Those healed are 208,224, 1,322 more. ICU patients rise 5 units to 79, the second consecutive day of increase after yesterday’s increase of 7. The number of hospitalized patients with symptoms decreased by 10 (1,168), while the number of patients in home isolation increased by 126 (21,909 in total). No region has registered zero infections.


Of the 13 thousand tampons today in Lazio, 171 cases are registered, of which 103 are in Rome and zero deaths. A prevalence of return cases (around 60%) and with links from Sardinia (around 40%) is confirmed. In ASL Roma 1 there are 32 cases in the last 24 hours and of these sixteen cases of return, fourteen with links from Sardinia, one from Spain and one from Greece. Eight are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 2 there are 55 cases in the last 24 hours and among these twenty-six return cases, seventeen with links from Sardinia, two from Sicily, two from Molise, one from Campania, one from Abruzzo, one from Greece, one from Croatia and one from France. There are eight isolated positive cases. In ASL Roma 3 there are 16 cases in the last 24 hours and among these twelve they are returning, ten with links from Sardinia, one from Puglia and one from Sicily. One case identified in the prehospital phase. In ASL Roma 4 there are 8 cases in the last 24 hours and among these three with links from Sardinia and five are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 5 there are 7 cases in the last 24 hours and there are four cases with links from Sardinia, one from Sicily and one from Tenerife (Spain). In ASL Roma 6 there are 16 cases in the last 24 hours and of these nine with links from Sardinia, one from Sicily, two from India and one from Campania. Two are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In the provinces there are 37 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. In Latina ASL there are eighteen cases of refoulement, six with ties from Sardinia, one from Argentina, one from Spain, one from India, one from Albania, one from Romania, one from Tuscany and one from Marche. Four cases have links to a known and isolated cluster. In the Frosinone ASL there are ten cases and of these one with links from Sardinia, six from Puglia and one from Emilia-Romagna. In the ASL of Viterbo there are five cases and it is a case with links from Sardinia and four contacts of already known and isolated cases. In Rieti’s ASL there are four cases and all are with links from Sardinia.


Compared to the 18,701 swabs tested, 289 Covid19 positives were found in Lombardy in the last 24 hours, according to the latest data from the Region, with a ratio of new swabs to new cases of 1.54%. Of the 289 positives, 38 are weakly positive, nine after serological tests. Those healed and discharged are at 98, and there are no deaths. In intensive care there is one more case, which brings the total to 18, in the other rooms there are thirteen more hospitalized for Covid19, 185 in total.


188 new positive coronaviruses detected yesterday in Campania, of the 4,359 swabs made. This was announced by the Crisis Unit of the Region in the bulletin updated at the last midnight. Of the new infections, 81 are cases of travelers returning from vacation: 51 from Sardinia, 29 from abroad. There are no more victims (the total is still 445), while 13 new cured are reported, bringing the total to 4,396.

Emilia romagna

In the last 24 hours, there are 149 new cases of Coronavirus positivity in Emilia-Romagna, slightly lower compared to the last two days. More than 10,000 tampons were manufactured. Of the new cases, 78 are asymptomatic identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities. There are 24 new infections linked to returns from abroad, 22 from other regions, the number of cases of returns from other regions is 22. The average age of new positives today is 34.9 years. There were no new deaths. There is a slight increase in hospitalized patients: there are 10 (one more than yesterday) patients in intensive care, 98 those in the other rooms of the Covid, 4 more. The highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Bologna (23), Ravenna (20), then in Cesena (20) and in Piacenza (18).


In Tuscany there are 11,687 cases of positivity for Coronavirus, 92 more than yesterday (25 identified in the course of the screening and 67 of the detection activities). Of the 92 positives at present, 5 cases are related to returns from abroad, of which 1 for vacation reasons (Croatia); 20 are linked to returns from other Italian regions (13 Sardinia, another 7). 45% of the cases is a contact linked to a previous case. New cases are 0.8% more than the total of the previous day. Those cured grew by 0.2% and reached 9,125 (78.1% of all cases). The tests carried out reached 528,647; compared to 6,701 more yesterday. Today’s positives are 1,421 today, + 5.3% compared to yesterday.

Today there are no new deaths. The average age of 92 cases today is approximately 37 years (32% are under 26, 34% are between 26 and 40, 23% are between 41 and 65, 11% are over 65) and, in Regarding the clinical states, 63% were asymptomatic, 25% pauci-symptomatic.


A total of 2,092 positive Covid-19 cases have been detected in Sardinia since the beginning of the emergency. In the latest update of the Regional Crisis Unit, 70 new cases were registered, 65 identified as a result of screening and 5 due to suspected diagnosis. The number of victims remains unchanged, 134 in total. In total, 133,400 swabs were performed, an increase of 1,796 tests performed compared to the last update. On the other hand, 24 patients (one more than yesterday’s bulletin) are hospitalized. The number of patients in intensive care has not changed, currently two. There are 665 people in home isolation. The progressive number of positive cases includes 1,263 recovered patients (+1 compared to the previous bulletin), plus another 4 recovered clinically. In the territory, of the 2,092 positive cases verified in total, 378 (+16) were detected in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, 215 (+3) in the south of Sardinia, 65 (+1) in Oristano, 122 in Nuoro, 1,312 (+50) in Sassari.


New leap forward of coronavirus infections in Apulia, today out of 2,753 tests 65 positive cases were recorded: 56 in the province of Bari, 3 in the Bat 5 in the province of Foggia, 1 in the province of Lecce. There are no deaths. Since the beginning of the emergency, 300,338 tests have been carried out; 4,029 patients are cured and currently 748 cases are positive, of which 117 are hospitalized. The total of positive cases of Covid in Puglia is 5,333. The general director of Asl Ba, Antonio Sanguedolce, specified of the 56 cases registered in the province of Bari, 29 are citizens of Bari and the province who have returned from an organized bus trip in Calabria. Eight, on the other hand, are close contacts of already identified cases. On the other hand, investigations are being carried out by the Department of Prevention to reconstruct the chain of contagion and isolate new outbreaks.


There are 12 coronavirus positives registered in the last 24 hours in Marche in 943 newly diagnosed swabs: 6 in the province of Pesaro Urbino, 3 in the province of Ancona, 1 in the province of Macerata and 2 outside the region. These cases include 2 returns from abroad (Romania), one return from Sardinia, 4 symptomatic subjects, 3 domestic contacts and 2 cases under investigation. This was announced by Gores: In the last 24 hours, 1,791 swabs were tested: 943 on the new diagnostic pathway and 848 on the cured pathway. (HANDLE).


Five new cases of Covid19 infection, three of which from Basilicata, were detected in Basilicata out of a total of 692 swabs examined yesterday. It is the highest number of tests in the new phase of health. The new positives are in home isolation: they are residents of Potenza (2) and Policoro (1), a Moldovan woman domiciled in the province of Potenza and an Apulia in quarantine in her region. Foreigner cured in isolation in Basilicata. Overall, the current cases in Basilicata are 71 (+4) for which the working group makes a distinction based on residence. The bulletin of the regional working group, in which only the cases of Lucanians with tampons registered in Basilicata are counted, there are 29 (+3) current positives (28 in isolation and one hospitalized) while 28 people have died with a rate fatality in Basilicata by 5.5% and 376 are cured. There are two hospitalized patients: one in the infectious diseases department of the San Carlo hospital in Potenza and the other (an Apulian from the province of Taranto) in intensive care at the Madonna delle Grazie hospital in Matera. To the Lucanian cases we must add 23 migrants housed in reception centers and here in isolation; another 10 foreigners domiciled or residing in Basilicata and in home isolation; 7 citizens from other regions (1 Umbria, 1 Lazio, 5 Tuscany) in isolation in Basilicata; the hospitalized patient in Matera. Since the start of the health emergency, 56,000 swabs have been analyzed, of which 55,355 were negative.

Friuli Venezia Giulia

There are currently 356 positive people for coronavirus in Friuli Venezia Giulia (2 more than yesterday). No patient is being treated in intensive care, while 15 are hospitalized in other departments. There were no new deaths (348 in total). This was announced by the Deputy Governor responsible for Health. Today 20 new infections have been detected; Therefore, analyzing the general data since the beginning of the epidemic, 3,748 people tested positive for the virus: 1,476 in Trieste, 1,182 in Udine, 823 in Pordenone and 257 in Gorizia, plus 10 people from outside the region. Totally cured total 3,044, 8 clinically cured and 333 isolated. The deceased are 197 in Trieste, 77 in Udine, 68 in Pordenone and 6 in Gorizia.

Last updated: 20:39

