Migrants, three Covid-19 positive Nigerians try to escape. Celio’s Barrel and Bites


Three positive migrants try to escape from Celio (Ansa)
Three positive migrants try to escape from Celio (Ansa)

Rome, August 29, 2020 – Tre Nigerians, two women and a man, hospitalized because positive for Covid-19, to have I try to escape in the afternoon from the military hospital in Celio to Rome. First they made a fuss because they wanted to be discharged, then they went to blows. Panic in the military hospital where the three have attacked, also pica, official and sanitary. Desks, furniture and beds were also overturned in the fight and the entire apartment was turned upside down.

For a good half hour the situation got out of hand, but as the three tried to escape from the room, they were detained by health personnel equipped with anti-contagion protections. In the fray they managed tear off the suit anti-Covid to a young officer, who will now be forced to quarantine.

“The attacks on Celio are a serious and inadmissible fact and the perpetrators have already been denounced and will answer for it – said the Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini -. Everything returned to normal immediately thanks to the rapid intervention of military personnel and law enforcement agencies. I express my solidarity with the soldiers attacked and I thank all the personnel for the work they do every day for the community. ” The medical and health personnel who work at Celio’s hospital – Guerini concluded – have been working tirelessly, since the beginning of the Coranavirus emergency, with seriousness and professionalism at the service of citizens and the gratitude of all Italians to them ” .

According to sources inside the hospital, the three foreigners also tried to protect themselves for a few minutes to escape with a 16-year-old Bengali boy hospitalized at the facility and close to discharge, because he was negative for the virus. But the police do not confirm this fact.

Wounded among military and medical personnel in confusion. The situation is back under control also thanks to the intervention of the police.

“While the Interior Ministry is giving the numbers to deny the immigration emergency, in the real world, three Covid positive Nigerians have caused a panic at the Celio military hospital in Rome: biting and hitting the soldiers and health personnel. Italians pay for Conte and Lamorgese’s disability. This government endangers Italy “, writes the leader of the League. Matteo Salvini.
