“You slipped in front of the landfill”


The mayor returns the abandoned refrigerator to the owner, dedicating it (with a fine):

Abandonment of coolers it is not a general practice only in Capital. Similar episodes occur throughout Italy, but in the municipality of Caprioli war, in the province of Cremona, Mayor Michel Marchi has a very original way of punishing those responsible. When yesterday morning, Friday, August 28, he received complaints denouncing the illegal unloading of a refrigerator in front of the municipal collection center, which was closed at that time, the mayor immediately went to the place. Marker in hand, Marchi wrote a special message directly on the apparatus for the ‘dirty man’: ‘Dear sir, your refrigerator slipped in front of the Gerre landfill, luckily we saw it and brought it back. Then I will also send you the fine.

Abandoned a refrigerator to the baskets, Raggi uploads the video to Facebook: “Finato new dirty”

In fact, there are two surveillance cameras in the place that allowed the identification of the author of the gesture. “We located the owner of the vehicle who committed the offense thanks to the license plate but, before lifting the sanction, I thought that the situation could not be tolerated excessively, since it is not the first time it has happened,” the mayor writes in a publication on Facebook. «Then, on the morning of Saturday 29, with our friend Italo Fornasari, we loaded the refrigerator, after having written a dedication, and we returned it to its rightful owner, unloading it under the house. The municipality of residence is not Gerre and, therefore, we have communicated to the command of the local reference police ».

