An employee of the Forestas agency is the 40-year-old beneficiary of the precautionary measure carried out today by the regional investigation unit of the regional forestry body as part of the maxi blitz, with searches in Sarroch, Pula and Villa San Pietro, to combat phenomenon of fires in the south of Sardinia. .
The employee of the regional agency dealing with forest heritage is a firefighting operator and is now in a cell in Uta on suspicion of arson and the manufacture and possession of incendiary devices.
As it appears, he is blamed for numerous fires that have occurred in recent months in the Cagliari area. The 12 others currently under investigation face charges of arson, poaching and illegal possession of weapons and ammunition: rifles, illegal weapons and freshly hunted protected game have been found and confiscated from their homes.
(Unioneonline / L)