In Sardinia, Pd and M5 are presented together. Specifically, this is the case of the Northern Sardinia boarding school that includes, in addition to Sassari and Gallura, also 14 municipalities in Nuoro. Right here the Giallorossi alliance is tried, remembered by the chosen symbol (a red and yellow “mustache” on a white background) and a unitary candidate. The latter, as reported by Italia Oggi, is Lorenzo Corda. His candidacy was agreed by dem and pentastellati together with Leu, Progresistas, Centro Democrático and DemoS, that is, the Catholics of the Community of Sant ‘Egidio. “The candidate of the center – begins to refer to Carlo Doria, the man supported by the entire center-right but also by the Sardinian action party, says he will bring down Conte? I like to build, not demolish. The government investment plan together with Europe puts us in a position to restart and renew “Then he discusses with his antagonist on the Covid issue:” a criminal act Deny the deadly effects of the pandemic, all the more so when it is a doctor who affirms it, a technician who was part of the Sardinia Region Crisis Unit ”.
But Corda’s race for victory seems uphill because Matteo renzi with his Italia Viva and with + Europa he refused to join the coalition. Not only that, because angered by the choice of the Democratic Party to ally with the allies of the grillini government, they presented their own candidate, Agostinangelo Marras. In short, the game is very open although, according to the latest Regionals polls, the center-right has already won.