Latina, Coronavirus, eighteen new cases in the province of Latina


Another increase in the cases of new positives of covid-19 in the province of Latina. In the last 24 hours, the provincial ASL has verified and reported eighteen infections, of which 17 are treated at home.
The positives are distributed from north to south Pontine: 3 are from Aprilia, 2 belong to Castelforte, 2 from Cori, 1 from Formia, 1 from Pontinia, 1 from Santi Cosma and Damiano and finally 4 from the capital and Terracina.

High number, but also due to the fact that in recent days carpet swabs have been made, especially in Santa Maria Goretti in Latina where the drive-in was installed, they literally broke in every day where, however, due to a small problem a machine that slowed down the test result. Therefore, a small wave of new infections is to be expected in the next few hours.

The local health company recommends to the entire population and in particular to young people, in order to avoid new waves of spread of Covid-19 and the consequent measures, not to lower the level of care in the fight against the pandemic, strictly respecting the regulations in force in order to prohibit meetings, the mobility of people, frequent and correct hand washing, the use of masks and the observance of minimum safety distances.
In order not to cause alarm among the population, it is requested to refer exclusively to official sources such as the Lazio Region, Seresmi, Spallanzani and the General Directorate of the ASL Company.
