Terrifying chaos has broken out inCelio military hospital in rome too three nigerians. More precisely, these are two women and a man who had been hospitalized for a few days because they were positive. coronavirus: They demanded to be discharged in advance and to the refusal of the doctors, they responded with unprecedented violence, which was worth a good half hour of terror inside the hospital. According to the indiscretions ofAdnkronos, the three Nigerians first got scared and then attacked agents and health workers, even in bites, after having overturned desks, furniture and beds and created chaos throughout the apartment. They even managed to snatch the anti-Covid suit from a young officer during the escape attempt, while the rumor that they also tried to hide behind a 16-year-old Bengali boy who is hospitalized on the premises and near the school is not confirmed. resignation because it is negative for the virus. Only with the intervention of the police the situation was brought under control again, but there is still half an hour of panic due to an inexplicable gesture.