Sensational in Liguria: an 87-year-old man (he would have turned 88 in October) died on August 24 in Bargone, in the Genoese area. The Asl4, the one from the Chiavari area, according to the document “Covid Salme Attestation” considers him dead of coronavirus even though the result of the hyssop is not there yet. As for the swab result, in fact, the “Indeterminate” box is crossed out. In parentheses we read: “body to be considered positive”. It is further specified below: “Standby swab status should be equated with positivity when it comes to body management.” At this point, more than doubt arises about the reliability of the test results that the ASL sends to the Region and that the Regions in turn send to the Ministry of Health to compile the daily bulletin on the state of infections in Italy. The hope is that this is an isolated case.