New record of tampons (almost 100,000 in one day), 1,444 new cases (slightly down, yesterday was 1,462), one victim. And again: I decrease hospitalizations, but increase, albeit slightly (+5), those of intensive care. This is what emerges from the current data provided by ministry of health. The most obvious number is precisely that relative to tests: 99,108, for a total of 8,509,618 since the beginning of the infection and a little more than two thousand compared to yesterday. In total, the total cases of COVID-19 in Italy they have reached 266,853, the victims to date are 35,473. There are currently 23,156 positive people, an increase of 121 in 24 hours. HE healed there are 208,224, 1,322 more. ICU patients rise 5 units to 79, the second consecutive day of increase after yesterday’s increase of 7. The number of hospitalized patients with symptoms decreased by 10 units (1,168), while the number of patients increased by 126 isolation domiciliary (21,909 total). Even today no region has been registered zero new almost in the last 24 hours. Leading the positives found there again Lombardy with 289, followed by Campania with 188, of Lazio with 171, at 151 the Veneto, Emilia Romagna at 149. Tuscany has 92, Piedmont 90, Sardinia 70, the Puglia Sixty-five.
LOMBARDY – Compared to 18,701 tampons analyzed, there are 289 positives COVID-19 found in Lombardy in the last 24 hours, according to the latest data from the Region, with a ratio of new tampons to new cases of 1.54%. Of the 289 positives, 38 are weakly positive, nine after serological tests. The healed and discharged are 98 in total, and they are not registered dead. In intensive care there is one more case, which brings the total to 18, in the other rooms there are thirteen more hospitalized for Covid19, 185 in total. In the Milan area, the number of new Covid19 infections is always high. According to the latest data from Region Lombardy, here the positives are 140, of which 86 in the city of Milan.
LAZIO – Out of 13 thousand tampons today in Lazio there are 171 cases of these 103 are in Rome and zero deaths. A prevalence of return cases (around 60%) and with links from Sardinia (around 40%) is confirmed. the Health Councilor of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.
SARDINIA – A total of 2,092 positive Covid-19 cases are determined in Sardinia from the beginning of the emergency. In the latest update of the Regional Crisis Unit, 70 new cases were registered, 65 identified after the detection activity and 5 for diagnostic suspicion. The number of victims remains unchanged, 134 in total. In total, 133,400 swabs were made, with a increase 1,796 tests performed since the last update. On the other hand, 24 patients (one more than yesterday’s bulletin) are hospitalized. Unchanged the number of patients in intensive care, currently two. There are 665 people in home isolation. The progressive figure of positive cases includes 1,263 recovered patients (+1 compared to the previous bulletin), plus another 4 clinically recovered. In the territory, of the 2,092 positive cases verified in total, 378 (+16) were detected in City Metropolitan Cagliari, 215 (+3) in the south of Sardinia, 65 (+1) in Oristano, 122 in Nuoro, 1,312 (+50) in Sassari.
PUGLIA – In a group from Bari and the Province 29 people returned from a bus trip to Calabria tested positive for coronavirus. This was announced by the general director of the ASL of Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce. History raises the number of infections registered in one day in the province of Bari, to 56, and in Puglia, where out of a total of 2753 smears, there are 65 positive cases. The rest are registered in the provinces of Foggia (5) , Barletta Andria Trani (3), Lecce (1).
None in the provinces of Taranto me Brindisi. These are largely close contacts of already identified cases. In total, 300,338 tests have been carried out so far. Today, like yesterday, there are no deaths (556 since the beginning of the emergency). The cases currently positive They are 748 (+64), the cured 4029 (+1). HE hospitalized They are 117 (+8).
EMILIA ROMAGNA – There are 149, in the last 24 hours, the new cases of Coronavirus positivity in Emilia romagna, slightly below the last two days. More than 10,000 tampons were manufactured. Of the new cases, 78 are asymptomatic identified as part of the activities of contact tracking and regional screening. There are 24 new infections linked to returns from abroad, 22 from others regions the number of cases returning from other regions is 22. The average age of new positives is currently 34.9 years. There were no new deaths. There is a slight increase in hospitalized patients: there are 10 (one more than yesterday) patients in therapy intensive98 those of the other Covid departments, 4 more.
The highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Bologna (23), Ravenna (20), then a Cesena (20) and in Piacenza (18).
FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – the persons currently positive for coronavirus in Friuli Venezia Giulia there are 356 (2 more than yesterday). No patient is being treated in intensive care, while 15 are hospitalized in other departments. There were no new deaths (348 in total). This was announced on vicegovernatore with responsibility in Health. Today 20 new infections have been detected; therefore, analyze the general data from the beginning ofepidemic, the people who tested positive for the virus are 3,748: 1,476 in Trieste, 1,182 in Udine, 823 to Pordenone and 257 in Gorizia, plus 10 people from outside the region. The total recovered amounts to 3,044, the clinically recovered are 8 and the isolated 333. The deceased are 197 to Trieste77 in Udine, 68 in Pordenone and 6 in Gorizia.
TUSCANY – Another 92 cases of coronavirus in Tuscany (average age 37), but only five are those who return from abroad while 20 come from other regions. Thus, the daily report of the Region in the last 24 hours, in which there has been no death (the total remains at 1,141). Overall, in Tuscany there have been 11,687 cases of positivity for Covid so far, while the positives are currently now 1,421 (+ 5.3%) of which 1,372 were treated at home and 49 hospitalized in hospitals (-2), where the number of patients in intensive care rose to five due to the worsening of terms of one of them in the hospital. The cured amounted to 9,125 people, of which 133 clinicians, in the course of negativization the symptoms disappeared, and 8,992 viral (double negative buffer). There are 3,543 negative people (+185 units, + 5.5% on yesterday) but also isolated in active surveillance because they have had contact with people infected.
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