Messina, 20, kills his father in his sleep with more than twenty stab wounds – La Stampa


MESSINA. She killed her father in her sleep, stabbing her. It took place last night in a villa in Spadafora, a maritime center on the Tyrrhenian side of the Messina province. The killer, Gabriele Mollica, a young man in his 20s, was arrested.

According to the reconstruction of the Messina Carabinieri, last night the boy assaulted his 59-year-old father, Pierluigi Mollica, around 4 a.m. while everyone was sleeping. There was a fight, the victim tried to defend himself but the young man continued to beat his father with at least twenty stabs. It was the other relatives who asked for help through the single emergency number 112. When the police arrived, the young man was in a state of confusion, his clothes stained with blood. An ambulance also arrived but the father was already dead, his body was found at the foot of the bed. The child, detained, was taken to hospital for the injuries suffered in the fight and today he must be questioned by the magistrate of the Messina prosecutor’s office.

Many details of the story are still unclear. The young man has not yet explained the reasons for the gesture despite the fact that it seems that there have been constant fights between the two for a long time. The victim’s partner and another 17-year-old son, who allegedly witnessed the crime, also live in the house in Spadafora where the crime was committed.

Just yesterday, in Palagonia, in the province of Catania, another crime had occurred in the family. In that case, it was the 85-year-old father who killed his 47-year-old son, throwing some pruning shots to the head. Again between the two there were disputes and continuous fights, apparently over money. The victim in 1993 was responsible together with an accomplice of a sexual assault on a 16-year-old girl, later murdered, her body burned.
