Coronavirus August 29, today’s covid newsletter. In Emilia Romagna 149 new cases


Bologna, August 29, 2020 – A slight decrease: 149 positive covid-19s reported in the last hours in Emilia Romagna (yesterday they were 164). A little less than fifty are return cases: 24 from abroad and 22 from other regions Italian. For the third day in a row, the number of hospitalized patients in the wards intensive care in the region: today there are 10, one more than yesterday and 98 in the covid departments (+4 compared to yesterday). Active cases boom: now there are 2,769.

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Of the 149 new positives 78 are asymptomatic and 65 were already in home isolation. L ‘middle age of those infected today are 35 years old. Most of the cases refer to the provinces of Bologna (2. 3), Ravenna (twenty; Cesena (20, e Piacenza (fifteen). The number of swabs processed remains high: 10,087, in addition to 2,419 serological tests.

Today’s covid newsletter in Italy

The contagion map

Here’s how today’s 149 new positives are distributed: 4797 to Piacenza (+18, of which 8 symptomatic), 3,922 to Parma (+13, of which 4 symptomatic), 5,366 to Reggio emilia (+10, of which 8 symptomatic), 4,378 to Modena (+13, of which 5 symptomatic), 5,647 years Bologna (+ 23, of which 13 symptomatic), 491 cases a Imola (+6, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,218 to Ferrara (+3, of which 1 symptomatic), 1,397 years Ravenna (+20 cases, of which 7 symptomatic), 1,116 to Forlì (+12, of which 5 symptomatic), 945 to Cesena (+20 of which 13 symptomatic) and 2,419 years Rimini (+11 of which 5 symptomatic).

In the province of Bologna Of 23 new cases, 9 refer to contact tracing of known cases, 7 are people returning from Sardinia and 1 ofAbruzzo. There are 4 cases of return from abroad (1 from Spain, 1 from Ukraine, 1 from Croatia and 1 from Greece), 1 is attributable to people with symptoms, 1 is a sporadic case.

Ravenna 20 cases

A Ravenna and province about 20 new positives, for 9 people these are contacts of already known cases, 5 after admission to hospital for symptoms, 3 were returning from abroad (2 from Spain and 1 from Croatia) and 3 cases are related to detection in the workplace.

Cesena 20

A Cesena of 20 new positives, 18 young people refer to contact tracing of already known cases, 1 after symptoms and 1 related to workplace screening.

Piacenza 18

In the province of Piacenza of 18 new positives, 5 were identified by controls of operators and guests of nursing homes (Cra), 4 returning from abroad (2 from Romania, 1 from India, 1 from Belarus) and 3 returning from Sardinia, 4 from swabs prehospital for other pathologies and symptoms, 1 from a Center for asylum seekers (Sprar) and 1 from contact of already known cases.

Modena 13

In the province of Modena out of 13 new cases, 7 are close contacts of positive subjects, of which 5 occurred during vacation periods, 1 is a return from abroad (Turkey), 1 is a return from Sardinia, 2 cases of controls at the workplace, 2 these are sporadic cases.

Forlì 12

Still. TO Forlì of 12 new positives, 1 returns from abroad (Ukraine), 6 are linked to the outbreak of the Cervia nightclub and 1 to contact with boys and girls who had attended the same disco, 1 returning from Sardinia. 1 from RSA screening for healthcare professionals, 2 following a request for swabs from the GP.

Rimini 11

In the province of Rimini of the 11 new positives, 7 are related to contacts of already known cases, 1 after screening, 1 due to symptoms, 2 due to access to the hospital for other reasons.

Admissions and active cases

me active cases am 2,769, 148 more than those registered yesterday. There are no deaths. People in isolation at home there are a total of 2,661 (+143 compared to yesterday), 96% of active cases. There are 10 (+1) patients in intensive care and 98 hospitalized in other Covid wards (+4 compared to yesterday). People as a whole heal There are 24,468 (+1 compared to yesterday): 25 “clinically cured”, that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 24,443 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests.

Serological tests

Ran towards him serological test throughout the Region. Return from vacation in risk regions, repatriation from abroad, teachers preparing to go back to school, young people who participated in the already infamous Ferragosto party at the Cervia nightclub: people who ask for laboratories to be able to be subjected Covid controls are thousands and waiting lists are usually longer. In the case of returns from Croatia, Malta, Spain, Greece and non-Schengen countries, the test is mandatory and there is a dedicated route for each provincial Ausl. For those returning from Sardinia it is highly recommended and therefore there are public facilities to go to here too.

For everyone else, however, one is enough free paper recipe from your GP. And then once you’ve found a spot in a reputable facility, you can go to one of the laboratories authorized by the Emilia-Romagna region for the execution of the capillary serological test (rapid test) or in venous sampling (standard test). However, in case of positivity, Ausl is informed immediately and home isolation is activated while waiting for the swab.

Serological test, laboratories authorized by the Region

The other news

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