Outbreak on 4 wheels, infected bus in Puglia: 29 infections after a trip to Calabria. In Foggia there are cases of Campania and Sardinia


Covid returns to register important numbers in Puglia, with the registry of infections (65) registered today, never so many since the closing. The worst situation in Bari, where 56 cases of positivity for SARS Cov2 have been determined (29 are citizens of Bari and its province who have returned from an organized bus trip to Calabria).

“Otto, on the other hand, specifies the CEO of Asl, Antonio Sanguedolce – are close contacts of already identified cases. On the other hand, the Prevention Department is investigating to reconstruct the contagion chain and isolate new outbreaks. Citizens must strictly adhere to known rules to prevent the spread of infection: maintain interpersonal distances; wear the mask; frequently disinfect hands with hydroalcoholic solutions. “

In the province of Foggia there are 5 new cases, as reported by the Asl dg Vito Piazzolla. “There are 5 new positivities to COVID detected in the province of Foggia in the last 24 hours. These are 2 cases related to outbreaks already known and limited; 2 people returned from Sardinia and Campania respectively; 1 symptomatic person, identified thanks to the recommendation of the GP. Active health surveillance has been organized for all. For new cases, not related to pre-existing outbreaks, the corporate hygiene service is rapidly rebuilding the chains of contagion ”.

In Bat there are 3 cases, one of which is symptomatic and 2 go back to positive cases recorded in recent days. Finally, a case in the province of Lecce: he had come into close contact with a positive from outside the region.

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