Latina, Coronavirus in the province of Latina, 4 new cases registered


There are four cases of covid-19 found today in the province of Latina. The 4 new positive cases, of which three were attended at home, are distributed in the municipalities of Aprilia (1), Latina (2) and Terracina (1).
There are no new deaths. In general, the data for the province of Latina as of August 28 are: Cases 730 – Prevalence 12.69 – Cured 542 – Dead 37 – Positive 151 – of which 114 at home.

The ASL of Latina again strongly recommends to the entire population and in particular to young people, in order to avoid new waves of spread of Covid-19 and the consequent measures, not to
Reduce the level of care in the fight against the pandemic, strictly respecting current regulations regarding the prohibition of assembly, mobility of people, frequent and correct washing of hands, use of masks and compliance with minimum safety distances. In order not to cause alarm among the population, it is also requested to refer exclusively to official sources such as the Lazio Region, Seresmi, Spallanzani and the General Directorate of the ASL company.
