School, hiring node: risk of 300 thousand substitutes. Agreement to fill up to 80% of the buses


Difficult restart in institutes: many competition classes are exhausted and also merit rankings. Cisl: “It is difficult to fill more than 30% of the available positions with hiring in the position.” At the beginning of the year there could be between 250,000 and 300,000 substitutes. Meanwhile, the agreement between the Government and the Regions on the management of infections and means of transport has practically been finalized.

The school restart scheduled for September 14 runs the risk of being undermined by empty chairs and few school staff (CORONAVIRUS: UPDATES – SPECIAL). In the rankings of several provinces, mainly in the Center-North, many competition classes are exhausted and so are the merit rankings. And there are those who denounce, like Cisl Scuola, that the hiring of teachers in the role of teachers runs the risk of being much lower than those announced by the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri, who signed the decree for the permanent hiring of 84,808 teachers. According to the union there will only be 30 thousand: “It is difficult to cover more than 30% of the available positions with permanent contracts.” Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education hopes that some places will be assigned through a “quick call”, but the 5-year stay restriction weighs heavily. According to some forecasts, a school year opens with the spectrum of 250,000-300,000 substitutes, also because to the current figures we must add the “Covid staff”, about 70,000 between teachers and school collaborators.

Cisl: “Bankruptcy Options for Hiring”


Back to school, what if a student or teacher is positive?

“There is a very low percentage of vacancies that to date does not exceed 30%,” the secretary of the CISL College, Maddalena Gissi, explained in a note. “The most disastrous situation is support. The teachers who attended the pension. The clear evidence of unsuccessful hiring options, which unfortunately have passed from one government to another for too long. ”Another issue worries teachers who, suffering from pathologies, are asking to stay home, approaching the date of return to school and same time increasing the number of infections these days.

The transportation hub


Back to school, teachers are tied between waiver requests and substitutes

Regarding the methods of returning to school, in the meantime, after the Unified Conference definitively rejected the document of the Higher Institute of Health and Inail on the management of possible cases of contagion in schools, the technical discussion on transportation audience continues in view of the Unified Conference next Monday. “Well, the agreement with the Regions, now forward to September 14,” said Minister Azzolina. The Regional Transport Commission and the Ministry of Infrastructures have practically reached an agreement on the possibility of repealing the distance on board means of transport – given the scarce time that travelers spend in vehicles – to allow 80% filling where adequate measures are guaranteed to contain the risks of contagion. Next, the Regions insisted on the need to guarantee adequate resources to finance additional LPT services, destined to cover the remaining 20%.

The political controversy

See also

School, first desks delivered to Nembro, Alzano and Codogno. VIDEO

Meanwhile, the political controversy over the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina continues. While the secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini, continues to attack (“He must go home”), the confrontation has also opened within the majority: an interview with the president of the senators Pd Marcucci, which he described as “insufficient”. Minister’s contribution. “Those who attack him, they attack the entire government. The Democratic Party must say clearly if it shares those words,” said several exponents of the M5S. And the head of Miur observed: “The reopening of the school is a beautiful but complex game, which concerns the entire government, each with its own responsibilities.”
