three new crashes in the night


Three new earthquakes They were notified at night between Friday 28 and Saturday 29 August ai Castelli Romani just before one. The strongest was registered by the Ingv (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) at 00.52 with an epicenter four kilometers from Lariano and 9 kilometers deep, with a magnitude of 2.8 on the Richter scale it was also clearly felt in the southern area of ​​the capital and beyond the castles towards the area of ​​the Sacco Valley. There was no damage.

Earthquake in the Castelli Romani: no damage

At 2:00 p.m. yesterday a magnitude 3.0 earthquake shook the earth. The epicenter was always identified in Lariano. Also in this case there were no damages of any kind, nor inconveniences: line C of the Rome metro slowed down due to technical checks.

Doglioni (Ingv): “Minor seismic phenomena linked to an active volcano”

The President of Eng Carlo Doglioni explained to the origin of the seismic phenomena that take place in these in the province of Rome: “The earthquake occurred in a active volcano, the Alban Hills, so we do not know if the event is linked to the activity of the magmatic conduit itself. HE Alban Hills they are an active volcano (the Lazio ed volcano), so they have a seismicity linked to the evolution of the volcano itself. “But is there to worry? The geologist reassures:” They are such light events … In Italy there are more than 150 earthquakes everywhere ‘Year of magnitude 3, we are really talking about a low level of intensity, but it is clear that in Rome we feel much more ”.
