Coronavirus, 52 new positives in Puglia. In the positive Bat family of 5 after the holidays in Sardinia


According to the data of the Region on Coronavirus corresponding to August 28, there are 52 new positives compared to the 3,226 swabs made. The tests, starting at the beginning of the week, continue to exceed 3,000 daily.
The new infected persons transmitted in the last bulletin are divided as follows: 20 in the province of Bari “of which 10 are close contacts of subjects already identified by our Prevention Department, – explains Asl DG Antonio Sanguedolce – 2 returns from Sardinia, and another 3 cases in which standard surveillance and follow-up procedures have been activated. The rest of the positives refer to symptomatic subjects treated by the emergency services of the hospital structures. Hospitalization was necessary in 10 cases ”.

Six cases in Bat, “a family of five from Sardinia and another case in which they are being investigated,” according to ASL director Alessandro Delle Donne; 3 in the province of Brindisi, “one refers to a person subjected to a swab in anticipation of surgery, the second is a close contact of an established case. The third presented symptoms indicating a possible infection and was subjected to the swab “reports Asl CEO Giuseppe Pasqualone.

Fifteen positives from the province of Foggia, “2 foreign citizens present in the provincial territory; 9 close contacts of cases already identified and traced by the Corporate Hygiene Service; 1 return from Spain; 1 return from Sardinia; 2 people identified during the activities detection “says Vito Piazzolla, local executive director of Asl; 3 Lecce, “two residents in the province of Lecce who have returned from Sardinia – by general director Rodolfo Rollo – and another resident on whom an epidemiological investigation is being carried out”; 5 in the Tarantino, “attributable to people from Sardinia or close relatives of people from Sardinia, in any case already registered contacts” for Asl CEO Stefano Rossi.
A case registered in the last days and included among residents outside the region has been eliminated from the database.

There are no deaths, the total of which since the beginning of the pandemic continues to be 556, while 4 more cured bring the sum of those negative to 4,028. With these figures, the current positives (total of cases less deaths and cured) amount to 684, including 109 hospitalized in hospitals.

According to the weekly report released by the ASL of Lecce by the head of Epidemiology and Statistics, Fabrizio Quarta, 119 are currently positive in the province of Salento. Of these, 59 contracted the virus abroad. The infected temporarily in the Lecce area, and therefore non-residents, are 41. “The national trend is also confirmed in our province – writes the local health authority – which sees a net increase in cases in youth groups “. Compared to June 2, the day before the opening of mobility between regions, the current positives have multiplied by six (there were 19). But there are only 7 patients (6 in the infectious diseases department of Vito Fazzi in Lecce and 1 in the Galatina hospital, always in the same department).
